Session 40 | 3:30 pm | Practical Ideas to Ensure Parish Giving Success

Location: Hanover FG

Are you experiencing an overabundance of giving at your parish? If not, this session may be helpful as we discuss practical ideas focused on strategically increasing giving at your church. Whether the need is to increase weekly offertory or annual appeals, these tips can be applied to enhance discipleship and generosity.

Speaker: Jeff Bachelor
Diocesan Account Manager
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Moderator: Linda Maccarone
Stewardship Coordinator
St. Mary Catholic Church
Royal Oak, Michigan

Mr. Jeff Bachelor has been with ParishSOFT for over four years. As a diocesan account manager, he consults with dioceses to streamline operations, increase efficiencies, and reduce risk. This includes: strategic stakeholder discussions, process reengineering consultation and implementation, parish fulfillment and product support. Prior to working at ParishSOFT, for over seven years, Mr. Bachelor was part of a team of youth ministers that created, planned, promoted, and executed weekly catechetical nights along with multiple weekend retreats specifically designed for today’s youth. He has served the mission fields in the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Canada as well as the inner city of Detroit. He has spent a semester abroad in France and Europe and is a current graduate student at the University of Michigan. He and his wife, Emily, are active members of Christ the King Catholic Church in Ann Arbor, Michigan.