Session 31 | 3:30 pm | Stewardship of Treasure

Location: Regency VII

The $1 bill is the most popular currency in our Catholic churches. Can we convert the “Washington” bill into a “Jackson” or even a “Franklin?”This session will offer practical suggestions on how to develop a spirit of generosity and gratitude among parishioners.

Speaker: Monsignor Matthew Bernelli
Pastor Emeritus
St. Mary Parish
Bridgeport, Connecticut

Moderator: Reverend Charles Altermatt
St. Alfred Parish
Taylor, Michigan

Monsignor Matthew Bernelli is pastor emeritus of St. Mary Catholic Church in Bridgeport, Connecticut, and recipient of the 2016 ICSC Christian Stewardship Award. Monsignor Bernelli was born in Turin, Italy. He graduated from St. Anselm University in Rome and was ordained to the priesthood in Rome in 1964. He spent his first ten years of priesthood ministering to orphans and homeless boys in Guatemala, El Salvador, Mexico, and Panama where he founded a Boys Town. Monsignor Bernelli was the pastor at St. Mary Church for 35 years. Thanks to the implementation of stewardship, St. Mary’s, a disadvantaged parish on the verge of closing, became a thriving, lively and financially sound parish, and a source of inspiration to others.