Location: Learning Center
Elegir vivir la corresponsabilidad cristiana como estilo de vida no sucede de la noche a la mañana. Comprender y aceptar el concepto cristiano de corresponsabilidad es el resultado de un proceso de formación de toda la vida, que comienza con la proclamación de Jesucristo –el gran corresponsable. Al proclamar a Cristo y acoger nuestra alianza bautismal, nuestra comprensión y aceptación del llamado al discipulado se fortalecen. Aprendemos a imitar a Cristo y a servir y apoyar a otros en su propio crecimiento espiritual. Esta sesión examinará la conexión crucial entre la evangelización, el discipulado y el desarrollo del liderazgo como pilares de la corresponsabilidad.
Choosing to live Christian stewardship as a way of life does not happen overnight. Understanding and embracing the Christian stewardship concept is the result of a life-long process of formation that starts with the proclamation of Jesus Christ –the great steward. As we proclaim Christ and embrace our baptismal covenant, our understanding and acceptance of the call to discipleship grows stronger. We learn to imitate Christ and to serve and nurture others for their own spiritual growth. This session will explore the crucial connection between evangelization, discipleship and leadership development as pillars of stewardship.
Speaker: Reverend Victor Reyes Párroco
Our Lady of LaSalette Catholic Church
Canton, Georgia
Moderator: Patricia Garcia Alvarado
Diocese of Carabayllo Lima, Peru
The Reverend Victor Reyes is a priest of the Archdiocese of Atlanta and currently serves as pastor of Our Lady of La Salette Parish in Canton, Georgia. Father Reyes has extensive experience in catechetical and initiation ministries at the parish, diocesan, and national levels. He has served as instructor of liturgy and homiletics for ministry formation programs for both lay and clergy. His pastoral work at the parish, diocesan, regional and national level has led him to serve widely facilitating workshops, directing retreats, and preaching parish renewals. He is a bilingual consultant in the areas of Christian initiation, liturgical formation, multicultural ministries and leadership development. Father Reyes served for many years as a member of the national team for the North American Forum on the Catechumenate. He currently serves on the Atlanta Forum on the Catechumenate. He is also a member of the Academy of Homiletics and the Catholic Association of Teachers of Homiletics