Session 10: Sharing the Faith with the Seven Pillars of Evangelization

Monday Session 9:30 am – 10:30 am

Location: Celestin A

Speaker: Tony Brandt
President Casting Nets Ministries
Wichita, Kansas

Speaker: Chris Stewart
COO and Chairman of the Board
Casting Nets Ministries
Wichita, Kansas

Moderator: Mike Wescott
Director of Development and Planned Giving
Diocese of Wichita, Kansas

We must proclaim Christ’s message of the abundant life to all who are willing to hear it. We have been given the crucial task of sharing the salvation of Christ with our friends, co-workers and perhaps even strangers. We also possess the challenge of inviting back those who have left the family, that is, Christ’s church. This talk will give foundational principles to individuals, groups and parishes on how to share the Gospel message effectively. The love of Christ wants to reach everyone. The question is … are we ready and willing to be the instrument to introduce Christ to others?