Location: Learning Center
Promoviendo la Comunión, Alentando la Participación / Promoting Communion, Encouraging Participation
Esta sesión ofrece la perspectiva del obispo sobre cómo nuestra participación en la Eucaristía como el Cuerpo de Cristo, no solamente nos une como Iglesia, sino que también nos empodera como corresponsables, y nos envía a continuar como discípulos misioneros para llevar el Evangelio a un mundo en desesperada necesidad de la amorosa presencia de Cristo.
This session offers a bishop’s perspective on how our participation in the Eucharist as the Body of Christ not only unites us as Church, but empowers us as stewards, and sends us forth as missionary disciples to carry the Gospel into a world desperately in need of Christ’s loving presence.
Speaker: Most Reverend Donald Hanchon
Auxiliary Bishop
Archdiocese of Detroit, Michigan
Moderator: Jessica Orzechowski
Parish Services Coordinator
Archdiocese of Detroit, Michigan
Bishop Donald Hanchon was ordained the 26th auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Detroit in March 2011. Ordained a priest for the archdiocese in 1974, Bishop Hanchon has served as both an associate pastor and pastor. He has served as a spiritual director for the archdiocese’s seminary; and has been a member of the archdiocesan presbyteral council and its college of consultors. From 1981 to 1986, he was the archdiocesan director of vocations. He then studied Spanish and Hispanic culture in Cuernavaca, Mexico, and in San Antonio, Texas, and was appointed special liaison to the Hispanic Catholic community while being assigned as pastor to parishes serving the Hispanic community. In 2005, he was awarded the title “Monsignor.” While pastor of the archdiocese’s largest Hispanic worshipping community in Detroit, Most Holy Redeemer Parish, he invited to the parish campus Covenant House Academy/West, a charter high school; and in 2008 the first Detroit-area coeducational Catholic high school in many years, Detroit Cristo Rey, part of the Cristo Rey national network. Bishop Hanchon earned a bachelor’s degree in English at Sacred Heart Seminary, Detroit. He holds master’s degrees in theology from the University of Detroit, and liturgy from the University of Notre Dame. He earned his master of divinity degree from St. John’s Provincial Seminary in Plymouth, Michigan