Session 42 | 8:30 am | Refresh, Recharge, Renew: Stewarding the Pastoral Ministers in Your Parish

Location: International North

“It’s time to take time for you.” Those involved in ministry can be described as “givers.” But at a certain point, you cannot give what you do not have. Come and explore the benefits of offering your parish ministers a chance to refresh, recharge and renew their spirit and some ideas on how to do so!

Speaker: Laurie Whitfield
Director of Parish Stewardship
Diocese of Rockville Centre, New York

Moderator: Christine Heusinger
Associate Director of Stewardship
Archdiocese of Atlanta, Georgia

Laurie Whitfield is the director of the office of parish stewardship for the Diocese of Rockville Centre, New York. She has been with the office for more than 19 years and has helped move parish stewardship forward in the diocese by utilizing her gifts of creativity, teaching, humor, and innovation. Prior to this position she was an educator and corporate trainer. Ms. Whitfield has developed many resources, especially for children and parish stewardship leaders, including her published works, Taking Care of God’s Gifts with Our Sunday Visitor. She initiated a computer training series, communications seminars as well as spiritual and gift discovery sessions and more to help create new comfort levels for parish leaders as they foster parish stewardship efforts. She is a frequent presenter at annual ICSC conferences, is the Region II representative on the ICSC board of directors and has offered the keynote address and breakout sessions at regional arch/diocesan stewardship days and various other engagements. Ms. Whitfield holds a bachelor’s degree in music education, a master’s degree in pastoral administration and she is a Dominican Associate.