Session 61 | 2:00 pm | The Art of Communicating Stewardship

Location: Regency VII

How we can best use various communication methods to catechize the faithful about what stewardship is really all about. We will explore what works, what does not, and look at how Jesus’ example gives us clues as to effective communication.

Speaker: Tracy Earl Welliver
Director of Parish Community and Engagement
Liturgical Publications, Inc.
New Berlin, Wisconsin

Moderator: Teresa Keogh
Advisor for Stewardship
Archdiocese of Southwark
United Kingdom

Tracy Earl Welliver is an international Catholic speaker, author, and stewardship coach with over 25 years of experience in parish ministry. He is the director of parish community and engagement for Liturgical Publications Inc, previously serving 22 years as pastoral associate at Saint Pius X Catholic Church in Greensboro, North Carolina, a 2009 ICSC Archbishop Thomas J. Murphy Award winning parish. He also sits on the ICSC board of directors. Mr. Welliver writes the weekly reflection, Everyday Stewardship, published in bulletins and digital media around the country, and is the author of the book, Everyday Stewardship: Reflections for the Journey. He has theology degrees from DeSales University and Duke Divinity School.