Session 62 | 2:00 pm | Using Smart-Phone Technology to Reach ALL of Your Parishioners

Location: International North

Looking for fresh and proven ways to connect with your parishioners from Sunday to Sunday? Smartphone technology is an incredibly powerful and vibrant vehicle for prayer and faith formation. In this presentation, you will learn ways to harness this power to reach your full community — those who attend mass every week and even those who don’t.

Speaker: Peggy O’Flaherty
OneParish App Consultant
J.S. Paluch Company, Inc.
Franklin, Illinois

Moderator: Jennifer Clark
Director, Parish Life and Faith Formation
St. Hedwig Catholic Church
Los Alamitos, California

Peggy O’Flaherty is the founder and president of Creating Space, LLC, and OneParish App Consultant with the J.S. Paluch Company. She is a certified spiritual director from The Christos Center in Minnesota, a parish evangelization and strategic development expert, and a strong proponent of using technology to grow faith. Her credentials include 30 years of faith formation, a degree from DePaul University, Chicago, extensive experience in bible studies, project management, business development, and life experiences as a wife, mother, daughter and friend.