Session 66 | 2:00 pm | Increasing Alumni Participation in Your Catholic School

Location: Hanover E

Engaging alumni into the life of your Catholic school is important, but the approach has got to be more than helping with class reunions, hosting homecoming, selling raffle tickets, and asking for dollars in the annual fund drive. This presentation will offer different processes that have been effective in engaging alumni and connecting them back to their alma mater. Attendees will leave with specific to-dos they can take back to their Catholic school.

Speaker: Frank Donaldson
Institute for School and Parish Development
Pearl River, Louisiana

Moderator: Mary Campo
Director of Development
Saint John Neumann Catholic High School
Naples, Florida

Frank Donaldson is the president of the Institute of School and Parish Development (ISPD), a national development consulting firm created to serve Catholic schools, parishes and dioceses in the areas of planning, marketing, enrollment management and resource development. He is the author of Catholic School Publications: Unifying the Image, and 25 Lessons Learned in 25+ Years Frank Donaldson is the president of the Institute of School and Parish Development (ISPD), a national development consulting firm created to serve Catholic schools, parishes and dioceses in the areas of planning, marketing, enrollment management and resource development. He is the author of Catholic School Publications: Unifying the Image, and 25 Lessons Learned in 25+ Years .