Session 74 | 3:30 pm | Parish Business Managers and Administrators – Open Forum

Location: International South

These seasoned parish business administrators will answer lingering questions you brought with you to the conference, as well as any that popped up while you were here. Their experiences cover a wide range of parish demographics to ensure no one will leave with an unanswered question.

Linda Maccarone
Stewardship Coordinator
St. Mary Catholic Church
Royal Oak, Michigan

Jim Mackey
Business Manager Emeritus
Richmond Catholic Community
Richmond, Indiana

Tony Oltremari
Parish Administrator
St. Laurence Catholic Church
Sugar Land, Texas

Moderator: Pat Joyce
Director of Administration
Holy Name of Mary Parish
San Dimas, California

Linda Maccarone is coordinator of stewardship at St. Mary Catholic Church in Royal Oak, Michigan. She has more than sixteen years work experience in parish administration and stewardship. Ms. Maccarone earned her master’s degree in church management from Villanova University in 2011 and also studied at Sacred Heart Major Seminary (SHMS) in Detroit. She is currently an adjunct professor at SHMS teaching parish leadership. Ms. Maccarone has served on the national advisory committee for the Emerging Models of Pastoral Leadership Project for business managers and finance councils and is currently a member of the Tri-County Business Managers Association in the Archdiocese of Detroit. She also has served on the board of directors for the Shelby Community Foundation in Shelby Township, Michigan, the SHMS Alumni Association and Friends of Foster Kids. She serves as the Michigan director for the ICSC conference leadership team. She lives with her husband, Ralph, in Shelby Township, Michigan and has three children and one grandchild.

Jim Mackey was the director of stewardship and development and business manager for the Richmond Catholic Community for more than 19 years until his retirement this past June. Under his direction and Father Todd Riebe’s leadership, the Richmond Catholic Community, comprising the parishes of Holy Family, St. Andrew and St. Mary parishes opened Seton Catholic High School in 2001. His lifelong service to the church includes that of Confirmation catechist, lector, extraordinary minister of the Eucharist and pastoral council chairperson. Jim and his wife, June, have three grown sons and seven grandchildren.

Mr. Tony Oltremari – As parish administrator for St. Laurence Catholic Church in Sugar Land, Texas, a parish of over 7,500 families and more than 80 ministries, he understands the importance of the spiritual mission of the church and the need for the material resources for fulfilling that mission. He previously served seven years as director of stewardship and vice-chair of the evangelization commission for the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. Mr. Oltremari is a 1999 graduate of the ICSC Institute for Stewardship and Development. Through his efforts the archdiocese was awarded first place recognition by ICSC for excellence in materials promoting diocesan stewardship in 2001. After leaving the archdiocese, Mr. Oltremari was vice president for Cavan Corporation, conducting increased offertory initiatives and capital campaigns for Catholic parishes and diocesan annual appeals. He is actively involved with the stewardship networking group in the Houston area and is a member of the National Association of Church Business Administrators. Mr. Oltremari was born n Memphis, Tennessee but has lived in Houston since 1960 where he was educated at St. Anne’s Catholic School, St. Thomas High School and the University of Houston. He and his wife, Peggy, have four children and ten grandchildren.