Session 63
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Chicago Ballroom VIII
Monkey Brains and Wedding Speeches: Why Small is Beautiful in Communications
Speaker: Ryan Kreager
Software Architect
J.S. Paluch Company
Franklin Park, Illinois
Moderator: Krysten McGee
Associate Director
Diocese of Joliet, Illinois
Have you ever heard of Dunbar’s Number? It’s the reason why small is beautiful in communications, and why social media often fails to create lasting community growth for parishes. This presentation will discuss how our brains are wired for small group communications, how best to leverage technology to match our God-given design, and why social media can be used judiciously to augment more effective methods.
Mr. Ryan Kreager
Ryan Kreager is a software architect at the J.S. Paluch Company. Following the 2017 acquisition by J.S. Paluch of OneParish, the parish app and cloud services company he co-founded, Mr. Kreager has continued to build and grow the OneParish platform, a suite of tools for parish life and health: The OneParish App, Custom Websites, Parish Relationship Management (PRM), Silbo – Parish Messaging, and eBulletins. He has worn several hats in his career – psychologist, programmer, salesperson, project manager, and founder.
Mr. Kreager earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio, and a master’s degree in cognitive psychology & neuroscience from the University of Notre Dame.