Session 79
2:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Sheraton Ballroom II
Using Data to Create Marketing Strategies for Students and Donors
Speaker: Kathleen Dalsaso
Chief ROI Officer
ROI Dataworks Inc.
Golden, Colorado
Moderator: Debra Leaverton
Director of Stewardship and Partner Success Officer
Orange Catholic Foundation
Garden Grove, California
Data is a valuable asset to Catholic schools, dioceses and Catholic foundations, and the proper manipulation of this data can help you go a long way toward achieving your revenue goals. The challenge is that data comes in different shapes, sizes and systems. This session will help you unlock the mystery of data by learning simple tools to put the data pieces together and solve the puzzle. The session will review school, parish and foundation case studies with metrics and tools to show you how to achieve your revenue goals.
Ms. Kathleen Dalsaso
Kathy Dalsaso is the cofounder and president of ROI Dataworks Inc. and ROI Links, LLC. Prior to starting ROI Dataworks, she worked as vice president of marketing strategy and analysis for a direct marketing agency in Chicago, Illinois. Ms. Dalsaso has worked with a vast number of industries, from Fortune 100 to small niche companies, including banks, airlines, universities and most notably nonprofits which include Catholic dioceses, Catholic Charities agencies, Redemptorists, AIDS Foundation, American Cancer Society, McCormick Foundation, and Humane Society. Data analytics is the cornerstone of Ms. Dalsaso’s success. She holds a bachelor’s degree in marketing with a minor in economics from the University of Colorado, Boulder, and a master’s degree in hotel administration from the University of Nevada Las Vegas, specializing in revenue management / finite inventory analytics. She speaks about data at both national and regional DMA events and as an instructor for database marketing for the Rocky Mountain Direct Marketing Association.