Session 60 | 10:00 am | Using Technology to Advance Your Appeal or Campaign

Session 60
10:00 am – 11:00 am

Using Technology to Advance Your Appeal or Campaign

Speaker: Bridget Daly
Vice President of Business Development
Chicago, Illinois

Moderator: Ana Juarez
St. Alfred Catholic Church
Taylor, Michigan

Technological advancement has allowed for more strategic work in your development office. Is your campaign or appeal taking advantage of these easy ways of increasing overall solicitation and fulfillment? This session will show you how you can use technology to more easily advance your appeal or campaign.

Mr. Bridget Daly

Bridget Daly (Mayer) has been with GiveCentral for over six years as the vice president of business development. She works with parishes, schools, and dioceses across the country to help with their fundraising efforts, including pledge fulfillment, best practices and innovative fundraising technology.