Session 47: Diocesan Annual Appeals for Small Offices: Success Lies in the Fundamentals

Tuesday Session 8:30 – 9:30 a.m

Location: Foster 2

Speaker: Thomas Kissane
Principal and Managing Director
New York, New York

Speaker: Jim Kelley
Director of Development
Diocese of Charlotte, North Carolina

Moderator: Rock Beharry
Director of Stewardship, Development and Pontifical Mission Societies
Diocese of Georgetown Guyana, South America

Philanthropic revenue from annual appeals in small and midsized dioceses can often be the lifeline to ensure that the charitable, educational and pastoral priorities of the local churches are sustained. Changing demographics, aging population, and new priorities create added pressure to retain donors. This interactive and entertaining session will explore innovative methods that pastors and bishops can use, together, to present their annual appeals as a Gospel message and encourage increased participation rates to maximize revenue.