Session 49: The Nuts and Bolts of Foundation Policies

Tuesday Session 8:30 – 9:30 a.m

Location: Bolden 6

Speaker: Christopher J. Dine
Speaker: Celeste E. Arduino
Bodman PLC
Detroit, Michigan

Moderator: Tom Scholler
Associate Director
Development and Stewardship
Archdiocese of Detroit, Michigan

Learn the nuts and bolts of tax-exempt foundations – from establishment to dissolution. Do you have a firm grasp of the transparency and accountability standards required of tax exempt foundations? Can you easily identify appropriate provisions in their articles of incorporation, bylaws and policies? This presentation provides a comprehensive orientation of the legal and tax aspects of taxexempt foundations. We will explain the nuts and bolts from incorporation to dissolution, with all the key compliance challenges in between, including conflicts of interest, written policies, and disclosure requirements.