ICSC Prayer

Gracious and loving God,
We gather in Your name,
to draw from a wellspring
of wisdom that will enrich
our lives and the lives
of those we love and serve.

Through this networking,
sharing of ideas and
discernment though,
lift us up!
Open our eyes!

Lead us into an encounter
with your Son,
on higher ground
where we will be drawn to
moments of epiphany,
deeper self-awareness
and profound grace.

In these times of uncertainty
and stress do not abandon us,
but pour out Your Spirit upon us
so that its power becomes our power.

Make us good stewards of what
we take away from here.
And inspire us
to proclaim the Gospel without shame,
offer hope to others
and give glory to You in every
word we speak and action we take.

We pray this through your Son,
Jesus Christ, Our Lord,
who lives and reigns with You and
the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.
