Father Rafael Capó – Evangelization and Hispanic Ministry

2:30 – 3:30 PM

Fr. Rafael Capó, Sch.P. is a religious with the Piarist Fathers (Padres Escolapios), an order dedicated to the education of youth. Born in Puerto Rico, he professed his final vows in the Piarist Order and was ordained a priest in 1996. Fr. Capó is Director of the US Catholic Bishops Southeast Regional Office for Hispanic Ministry and its Southeast Pastoral Institute with headquarters in Miami.

With degrees in Education and Administration and Supervision, he has worked as High School teacher, campus minister, vocations director, and school president. In Mexico and Italy, he ministered to street children and immigrant youth. With a Licentiate degree in Systematic Theology and a Doctorate in Practical Liturgical Theology he has taught Theology at the graduate level. He participates in all major organizations of Hispanic Ministry in the US and serves the bishops and dioceses of USCCB regions V and XIV in the coordination of Hispanic ministry through the SE Regional Office and Pastoral Institute (SEPI).