

Jenny is on trail for being Catholic. The Prosecutor thinks he has a pretty easy case until Jenny’s delinquent Defense Attorney finally shows-up and presents a very compelling argument.

This film demonstrates how we can become lax in our faith and take it for granted to the point where people would not recognize us as Catholics. It challenges us to ask ourselves: “What sets me apart from the ways of the world and what do I do that nurtures my Catholicism?”


  1. Early in the film the defendant is asked: “Are you Catholic? Why?” Can you answer that question?
  2. What makes a person uniquely Catholic?
  3. Would your answer to question #1 stand up in court? Would you have enough evidence in court to prove you are Catholic? If so, why? If not, what can you do to change that?
  4. What are the Corporal Works of Mercy and can you recall the last time you performed one?
  5. What about your life as a Catholic sets you apart from the rest of the world?

Take-Away Box:
We’ve been focusing this journey on spending more time with God and rediscovering what your faith means to you. This week, dig deep into what being Catholic really means to you and what changes you may need to make so you can live your faith more fully. Learn the Corporal Works of Mercy.