

We always ask for more hours in a day, but what if the hours we’ve been given aren’t enough because they’ve been stolen? And what if we’re the ones doing the stealing? Explore the possibility that we can take back time by doing one simple, but difficult thing.

Focus on freeing up your mind by cutting back on your electronic devices! Remove the noise, distraction, and gadgets, and allow God to speak to you in the quiet moments. Get back in touch with your family, your faith, and yourself.


  1. Have you ever thought of your electronic devices as “stealing” your time?
  2. How many different devices do you use during the day? And how many of those would you label as critical or indispensable?
  3. The narrator in the film mentions that Pope Francis asks us for an “openness to letting God encounter us in the little moments.” Why is focusing on “little moments” important?
  4. How would limiting your use of social media help you notice the little moments?
  5. How would your relationship with your family, your friends, and with God change if you took more time interacting with them and less time on social media and looking at your devices?

Take-Away Box:
This week, try to cut back on social media and gadgets and work on having more personal interactions with those around you. Make eye contact!