Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Ha Chi-shing, O.F.M.,
Born in Hong Kong on March 4, 1959. After his High School education at a Catholic school, he entered the novitiate of the Franciscan Friars, where he professed his solemn Vows on August 27, 1988. He took courses in Philosophy and Theology at the Seminary of Hong Kong, after which he was ordained priest on September 9, 1990. From 1990 to 1993 he was sent to Rome to study spiritual Theology and Franciscan Culture at the Antonianum. From 1993 to 1997 he continued his studies of Pedagogy of religion at Loyola University of Chicago, in the United States. He has served in a number of pastoral and administrative roles since then in the Diocese of Hong Kong.
The friar had been twice the provincial of Franciscans Hong Kong and former member of the Vatican’s Commission for the Church in China. He is currently board member of the Holy Spirit Seminary College and member Council of Priests of the local diocese. He is dubbed “spiritual master” for his profound spirituality in the diocese. On 11 July 2014 he was appointed as the Auxiliary Bishop of Hong Kong by Pope Francis along with Father Michael Yeung Ming-cheung and Father Stephen Lee Bun-sang. Bishop Joseph Ha Chi-shing will assist John Cardinal Tong Hon in the running of the diocese
Chinese Keynote Saturday 6-27: 粵語 – Cantonese
大會主題:上主不會離棄祂的百姓 The Lord will not abandon his people
Chinese Keynote Saturday 7-27: 國語 – Mandarin
大會主題:上主不會離棄祂的百姓 The Lord will not abandon his people

Sister Xiaoqiong Chen
陳小瓊修女來自中國四川南充教區耶穌聖心傳教修女會. 現今在伯克萊耶穌會神學院攻讀聖經靈修. 她目前研究重點是女性靈修.
Xiaoqiong Chen, a religious sister from mainland China, belong to Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Nanchong Diocese, Sichuan, China. Currently she studies at Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley. Her research interest is Biblical Spirituality, focusing on woman spirituality.
Session 6-28
Reflection on the Story of Samaritan Woman (John 4: 1-42)

Marinda, Keng-fan Chan
Marinda, Keng-fan Chan is a mental health social worker, and a current doctoral student at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley. Her research focuses on Ignatian Spirituality, Embodiment Spirituality, and the Spiritual Formation for New Parents. Her interest is to bridge the interdisciplinary relationship between depth psychology and spirituality, as well as to utilize the creative power of imagination to accompany parents to create their own parenting pedagogy.
Session 7-28
Embodiment Spirituality – Inner Awareness Through Movement
身體靈修 - 從「身」入「心」

Teresa Cheung
Session 8-27 Cantonese 粵語
Spirituality of St. Ignatius and Pope Francis

Fr. Peter Zhai, SVD
Fr. Peter Zhai,SVD was born into a traditional Catholic family in China. He joined the missionary order, Society of Divine word in China in 1994. After completion of his novitiate in China,
he was sent to Divine Word College in Iowa to study. Fr. Peter graduated from the college with BA degree in philosophy in 2001. Then, He moved to Chicago and studied theology at Catholic Theological Union and graduated in 2006. At the same year, he was ordained to the priesthood and sent to Los Angeles archdiocese. Fr. Peter worked in Los Angeles Archdiocese for
5 years before coming to the Archdiocese of San Francisco. His first two years of assignment in the archdiocese was at Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Redwood City as parochial vicar.
In 2013, he was appointed as the director of Chinese Ministry by the most Revered Archbishop Cordileone.
翟林湧神父出身於中國內蒙古傳統天主教家庭。 他於一九九四年認識並加入天主教傳教修會,聖言會。 一九九七年,修會送他來美國愛荷華州的聖言大學學習。 二零零一年, 翟神父完成哲學學士學位後,進入芝加哥天主教聯合神學院攻讀神學。於二零零六年,翟神父完成神學碩士學位並於當年在芝加哥進鐸。進鐸後他被派遣於洛杉磯總教區的一個堂區作副本堂, 同時服務於本堂的華人團體。 五年後, 他被派遣於三藩市教區紅木城的一堂區作副本堂。 二零一三年, 三藩市總主教指派他成為三藩市華人宗徒事務處主任。
Session 8-28 Mandarin
New Evangelization