9:00 pm Friday | Evan Lemoine

Marriott Gateway – Salons C-E

Evan Lemoine holds a BA in Fine Arts from Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana with a specialization in Psychology, a Master’s Degree in Humanities from the Anahuac University and a Master’s Degree in Family Sciences from the Juan Pablo II Institute in Mexico City, Mexico. He is a graduate of the Theology of the Body Institute in Downingtown, Pennsylvania where he has specialized in Theology of the Body, Love and Responsibility, Philosophy and Thought of John Paul II. He is co-founder of the Amar al Máximo Institute with his wife Fernanda and is a recognized international speaker on Theology of the Body, sexuality, courtship and marriage.

Evan Lemoine tiene una Licenciatura en Bellas Artes de Louisiana State University en Baton Rouge, Louisiana, con una especialidad en Psicología, una Maestría en Humanidades de la Universidad Anáhuac de México y una Maestría en Ciencias de la Familia del Instituto Juan Pablo II. Adicionalmente, Evan es graduado del Instituto Theology of the Body en Philadelphia, donde se ha especializado en teología del cuerpo, amor y responsabilidad, así como filosofía y pensamiento del Santo Papa Juan Pablo II. Es cofundador del Instituto Amar al Máximo y conferencista reconocido internacionalmente sobre temas de Teología del Cuerpo, sexualidad, noviazgo y matrimonio.