Presenter: Fr. Richard L’Archer
Time: Thursday, June 22 at 2:30
Location: Room 2320
Think Like a Theologian; Write Like a Newshound
The importance of theological nuances in our Christian and Catholic writings is not trivial. Doctoral studies are not to be neglected, but they alone cannot guarantee the theological nuances. It takes a lot more than that.
This workshop will lead you to realize that your whole being must be at the service of theological shades. Your humility, your intellectual rigor and your personal integrity are three mechanisms necessary to bring these theological nuances. At the end of the workshop, I dare to believe and hope that you will have grown humanly and spiritually and that your concern for nuances will no longer be based solely on your intellectual knowledge but on your whole being which is and must remain in search of the overall theological shades.
Welcome to this workshop.
Richard L’Archer
My Master University Degree in Divinity and the Adults Faith Education that I have taught led me to this wonderful world of the New Evangelization.
After obtaining a Diploma in Philosophy, I went on to acquire my Master focused on Theological-Anthropology, by writing a theses entitled “The body in the image of God according to Irenaeus of Lyons”. After being general manager of hotels, real estate agent, plane pilot, sales Representative and so many other things, I was ordained a priest on November 1st, 2002. Though most of my wounds have been “healed” I remain attentive to preserve the dignity of people. My teaching is anchored in the law of Jesus: “Love one another” which I translate in our modern world by: The reference is the other.
Richard L’Archer, priest, i.v. Dei
418 570-9113