Knowing and Sharing a Living God

Wednesday Afternoon Session
1:45 pm – 4:00 pm

Andres Arango

Andrés Arango is the bishop’s delegate for Hispanic Ministry and director of Evangelization for the Diocese of Camden, New Jersey. Currently, he is the vice president of the Latin-American Catholic Charismatic Committee, serves as a consultant to the Subcommittee on Hispanics Affairs of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, and is a councilor member of the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services based in the Vatican. Andrés has a master of theological studies from the Franciscan School of Theology (Berkeley, California). He is the author of the books With Power… The Experience of Pentecost and Be my Witness. Andrés has been the keynote speaker for many conferences, both national and international. He and his wife Kathia are the parents of twin daughters.