Day 20: Light-Bearer

Eternal Lamp of Love,
remind me often of how much radiance comes
from the glow of one small candle flame.
When my spiritual window is heavily clouded,
and your abiding love seems far from me,
restore my belief in your vibrant presence.
When I doubt my ability to be a bearer of your light
shine your truth and wisdom into my faltering spirit.

Thank you for the illuminated beings
who have touched my life with their goodness.
Your light shining through them
has inspired me and filled me with spiritual energy.
Assure me that I can also be a Light-bearer for others,
a clear window of your eternal starlight.

Today: I am inspired to be a Light-bearer.

Source: Prayers to Sophia, p. 54

This reflection from Anchors for the Soul: Daily Wisdom for Inspiration and Guidance by Joyce Rupp is reprinted with permission of the publisher, Ave Maria Press.