Location: Hanover AB
Diocesan Stewardship Days – Honolulu
The Importance of Diocesan Stewardship Days
Panelists will discuss their varied experiences with diocesan stewardship days including issues such as the benefits of these events, structure, timing, budget, multi-cultural considerations, marketing and other critical factors.
Mark Clark
Director, Stewardship and Development
Diocese of Honolulu, Hawaii
Debra Leaverton
Director, Parish Stewardship Education and Pastoral Services Appeal
Orange Catholic Foundation
Garden Grove, California
Mary Ann Otto
Pastoral Minister
St. Joseph and St. Mary Parishes
Appleton, Wisconsin
Moderator: Jeanne Smith
Associate Director of Stewardship and Development
Diocese of St. Petersburg, Florida
Mark Clark has served as the director of stewardship and development for the Diocese of Honolulu since 2012. Prior to this, and following careers in teaching, school development and sales management in Hawaii, Mr. Clark worked in stewardship and development for the Diocese of Rochester, New York, for 11 years. A graduate of the University of Notre Dame with an MBA from California Lutheran University, Mr. Clark and his family live in Kailua, Hawaii, on the Island of Oahu.
Debra Leaverton has served the Diocese of Orange since 2001 and under the Orange Catholic Foundation since 2008 as director of parish stewardship education and pastoral services appeal. She manages the diocesan annual appeal, is responsible for parish stewardship education and provides consultation for parishes on stewardship, capital campaigns, electronic giving and annual renewals. Ms. Leaverton’s previous career experience includes project management, sales and marketing, and training and development. She attended San Diego State University in the areas of education and psychology. At her home parish of St. Martin de Porres in Yorba Linda, she has served in the areas of SRE, teaching elementary, junior high, confirmation and youth ministry, women’s ministry and pro-life efforts. She continues to serve her parish as an extraordinary minister of the Eucharist, and assists with the parish’s stewardship efforts. She currently serves on the ICSC board of directors and on the conference registration committee.
Mary Ann Otto recently returned to her ministerial roots in parish life after serving for nine years as the stewardship and special projects director for the Diocese of Green Bay. She currently is a pastoral minister for St. Joseph and St. Mary parishes in Appleton, Wisconsin where her responsibilities include adult formation, evangelization and stewardship. In her work at the diocese, Ms. Otto worked with parish leaders talking about the spirituality and practicalities of Christian stewardship. She assisted parishes in fostering plans for infusing the stewardship message to help create in their communities a culture of grateful generosity. She is the author of several stewardship resources including a six-week small group process, Be Not Afraid-How to Follow Jesus. She has given stewardship presentations and parish missions nationally and has recently returned from a stewardship mission trip to the Philippines. Ms. Otto holds a master’s degree in theology and served as Region VII representative on the ICSC board of directors for the past five years. She chairs the ICSC parish stewardship education and services committee. She and her husband, Jeff, have five children and eight grandchildren.