3:15 pm | Session- Editorial The Screen Generation: Understanding an Audience That’s Plugged in but Disconnected



The Screen Generation: Understanding an Audience That’s Plugged in but Disconnected

The session will review the research that helps editors to better understand their Catholic audience , especially the younger generation.

Dr. Bill Thorn began his journalism career in Minneapolis as a reporter and editor, where he earned is PhD before becoming  a professor and chairman in the Department of Journalism at Marquette University.  In addition to teaching as a visiting professor in Rome at the Gregorian University and Salesian University, he serves as a member of the board of the communications apostolate of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.  In 2016 he spoke to the World Congress of Families in Budapest on the role of media in contemporary families, one of his research and teaching  interests.  His most recent book was Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker Movement.  He and his wife, Vicki have 6 children and 11 grandchildren.