Emergencies/First Aid/Lost & Found

For emergencies 24 hours a day and for less urgent matters, call Sarah Prudhom at 952-999-7232. Families may also leave messages by calling Pam at 952-999-7232. Be sure to call 911 in medical emergency during non-conference hours (11:30 p.m. to 7 a.m.)

First Aid
For all medical needs, please go to the First-Aid Station located in the lower level of the Anderson Athletic & Recreation complex or call 911 after conference hours. Hours are 7 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. Youth requiring first aid must be accompanied by an adult. Medication requiring refrigeration should be checked in with the nursing staff.

Lost & Found
Lost & Found is located in the Field House. If you realize after the conference that you lost something, call 952-224-0333 within two weeks to claim your items.