Day 12


What is the Sign of Peace?

After the Our Father is concluded, the priest prays a prayer directed to Jesus asking him for peace for His Church.  This petition for peace is made for the Church as a whole that we may more effectively spread the Gospel, but it is also made for the individual members of the Church so we might experience the peace of Christ in our own lives.  It is important to link this understanding of peace with the Mass itself.  This was huge for me!  We petition our Lord for peace after he becomes miraculously present in the Blessed Sacrament, which means that we must find our inner peace from Christ himself.  In the midst of the hustle and bustle of the world and the temptation of evil all around us, we find the source of our tranquility, hope and faith in the Body of Christ, and we nourish this inner peace.  We then are to share this with others by our actions and continue to seek peace through daily prayer.

Why do we offer the Sign of Peace

 It is easy for us to lose sight of the meaning of this exchange and to allow it to devolve into a mere greeting and casual conversation. However, the true meaning lies in the words of the priest prior to the exchange in which he speaks the words of our Lord, “Peace I leave you, my peace I give you.” We are acknowledging Christ’s presence in each other and sharing the peace that we have received from Christ with each other. It is a deep spiritual reality that is outwardly expressed in our exchange of peace.

This is the type of peace we want and should be praying for every day.  The peace that you have in your soul that keeps us “sane” even when our life around us seems to be falling apart.

Peace be with each of you.