Discussion Questions Session 5, Talk 2

Personal Reflection & Discussion Questions:

  1. What can I do to bring healing to my parish; to our Archdiocese?
  2. What patterns do I want to avoid falling into after this retreat?
  3. When in my day might I be able to reserve sometime for prayer? For what amount of time is God calling me to pray?
  4. What are the patterns of thinking that I want to place into my life?
  5. How can I become more aware of God’s gifts in my life? Name three specific things for which you are grateful. How can I practice gratitude each day?
  6. Who do I know that needs encouragement? What can I do to provide encouragement to those around me?
  7. In what areas do I need to have more hope? What practical steps can I take to be more hopeful in times of adversity?
  8. What new thinking did I learn or new mindset do I have as a result of this retreat? What can I do to make this a lasting mindset?
  9. What specific thing can I do to be an instrument of God’s healing love in the world around me?