All posts by Andrea Perry

Adore Ministries

On behalf of Adore Ministries, I’d like to personally thank you for participating in the 3rd Steubenville Encounter Houston Conference.  

We are praying for your weekend, and we hope that you will come to experience the Lord in a new and powerful way. The mission of this conference has always been about the renewal of the Church, echoing in our time those supernatural words “Go, rebuild my church”, and we are excited to partner with Franciscan University on bringing this renewal front and center for so many. Adore has always been about this renewal, and in partnering on this conference, we hope to inspire many to take up this challenge in their everyday life. As missionaries, we have taken this message to heart whether it be through youth discipleship, family dinners, worship nights or conferences.

It is our joy to accompany so many on this journey. As you journey through this weekend, know that we are available to assist you in anything you might need, and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to pull one of us aside. We are here to serve you, walk alongside you, and pray with you!  Once again, thank you for your yes, and may the Lord Jesus Christ pour out his blessing on you during this Encounter with Him.

Jonathan Alexander
President, Adore Ministries

Purpose and Mission

The Reason For Our Hope Foundation was founded by Fr. Larry Richards in answer to 1 Peter 3:15: “Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hop.” The Purpose of The Reason For Our Hope Foundation is to fulfill the command of Christ to “go and make disciples of all Nations” (Matthew 28:19). The mission of the Foundation is to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ through various multimedia resources and to make available Catholic speakers who are effective instruments of this evangelization. The Foundation also helps various charities that make real the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You can help us fulfill God’s will by contacting  us.

Foundation Logo Explained

We invite you to join the mission…

With your help, in the next year we’re going to reach 15 million people with the Reason for Our Hope, Jesus Christ!

Five things you can do right now!

  1. Pray.  We seek to do everything through Our Lord, Jesus Christ.
  2. Please register to receive a free download of Fr. Larry’s life-changing talk, The Truth.
  3. Download the Event Guide and invite others to join you in a life-changing event.
  4. Personalize an e-card and send it to someone who, right now, could use a message of hope in Jesus Christ
  5. Add a banner to your website.

Other things

  1. Send a beautifully packaged CD, DVD or book. You can personalize a message to them.
  2. View the “Hope for this Week” video clip.
  3. Send us your prayer requests. They are prayed for in front of the Blessed Sacrament every day!
  4. Listen or read Fr. Larry’s weekly homilies on our website or subscribe to Fr. Larry’s Homily podcasts on our homepage
  5. Download and share Need Hope card

 The Big List

If you registered, you have access to all archives, and will receive our periodic newsletter.

With an active Board of Directors, we embrace the highest standards of stewardship and accountability. In addition to fulfilling our own mission we financially support various charities. Please help us continue this mission —donate now

Hope House Retreat Center

“We have this Hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.”- Hebrews 6:19


The House Retreat Center’s mission is to provide a place for a retreat experience in which men and women of all faiths are encouraged to discover and/or strengthen their relationship with Jesus Christ.  The retreat center is dedicated to being a place of prayer, rest, and renewal, and providing an opportunity for reconciliation, healing and strength.

Tap here to learn more

1:38 Women

Women are called to be women of faith, hope and love.  The Blessed Virgin Mary is the perfect example of a woman with faith, hope, and love.  At the Annunciation, Mary was open to God’s calling through her great faith.  Mary prayed and listened and was completely open to doing God’s will when she proclaimed, “May it be done to me according to your word.” (Luke 1:38).

Mary is the perfect role model for women and through Mary’s example we can stand firm in today’s world, regardless of our circumstances, by the power of these virtues of faith, hope and love.  We are called to follow in Mary’s footsteps by saying “Yes” to God in all things, including joys and sorrows, and when we do this we bring life to ourselves, our families, and others, and we bring hope to the world.

Our  mission is to bring all women to understand the calling in their lives and to be women who hold the virtues of faith, hope and love above all, and say “Yes, Lord!” just as Mary did at the Annunciation.

Tap here to learn more

Sins List



All use of illegal drugs

Any dealing with occult, IE. Ouija boards

Artificial Birth Control

Blasphemy: disrespect toward God or toward His Holy Name.

Breaking promises deliberately

Bringing dishonor to family, school, community, or the Church.

Calumny:  telling lies about another.

Despair:  To believe that God will refuse to forgive you

Destruction of other people’s property

Detraction:  Telling an unkind truth about another

Disobedience toward parents/teachers

Drunkenness, including any drinking under the age of 21

Excessive materialism

Gluttony:  eating or drinking to excess

Gossip:  talking about others


Homosexual actions

Impure thoughts

Indifference to good or evil


Intentional violation of school rules




Malice:  The deliberate choice of evil

Masturbation:  impure actions with yourself

Missing Mass on any Sunday or Holyday



Premarital sex, including oral sex, intercourse, impure touching of another

Presumption:  Sinning and saying God MUST forgive me.



Reckless driving that endangers you, passengers, or others





Unjustified anger

Using others for your own personal gain

Watching or looking at pornographic material

What I have FAILED to do? – SINS OF OMISSION!

Act of Contrition

O my God! I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee and I detest all my sins because of Thy just punishment, but most of all because I have offended Thee, my God, Who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to sin no more and to avoid the near occasions of sin. Amen

Josh Blakesley

Josh Blakesley has acknowledged a simple calling: to make music that moves people into prayer and action. Josh and his band mates have dedicated themselves to making quality music for the Church and spreading the Gospel. He has led music for 20-plus years at various events, churches, festivals, and conferences, including the Steubenville Conferences. In addition to touring, songwriting, and producing, Josh serves as the assistant music director at his home church in Alexandria, Louisiana.