Category Archives: Exhibitors

CMC 2019 Exhibitors

Catholic News Service

Catholic News Service

With U.S. and Rome based bureaus, Catholic News Service is the leading resource for Catholic news, features, photos, graphics and video.  CNS offers trustworthy editorial products and services in multimedia formats for print and online media. It also publishes the weekly documentary service Origins, with English-language texts from the Vatican, bishops and church leaders throughout the world.




For 63 years we have faithfully served the church with our experience, commitment, service, and innovation. As we look to tomorrow, our heritage and knowing who we are will always guide us. It is our privilege to serve the church with premium quality communication products and services. Our mission is to help you succeed at yours.

Mike DiCosola

FAITH Catholic

FAITH Catholic

FAITH Catholic offers a host of services and products to help you communicate with the people of God. Our proven magazine model and content matrix have helped dozens of dioceses and Catholic organizations to create powerful publications. We also build websites and digital platforms to reach even more people. In our tech-driven age, FAITH is here to help you create content and connect with those you serve.

Patrick M. O’Brien

Knights of Columbus

Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus was founded in 1882 to assist Catholic families and to serve the Church and community. Today, the Order counts nearly 2 million members and supports a broad spectrum of charitable causes, both locally and internationally. In the 2017-18 fraternal year, the Knights donated a record $185.6 million, and members logged a record 75.6 million hours of volunteer service.
