Category Archives: ICSC Tuesday AM

Session 50: Parish Strategic Planning

Tuesday Session 8:30 – 9:30 a.m

Location: Imperial 5 AB

Speaker: Kevin Lynch
Lynch Development Associates, Inc.
Huntington, New York

Moderator: Ann Marie Calka
Member Services
Dearborn, Michigan

In today’s world, we are told to plan for our children’s college, to plan for our retirement, to plan for long term assisted living. Yet, why are we not strategically planning our parish’s future? Come share in a vision to plan your parish spiritually, liturgically, physically, fiscally, socially and ministerially. Good planning today provides a brighter future for our parishes tomorrow!

Session 51: Introducing Stewardship to the Parish

Tuesday Session 10:00 – 11:00 a.m

Location: Celestin GH

Handout: Introducing Stewardship in the Parish

Speaker: Shannon Lee
Director of Business Development
Dearborn, Michigan

Moderator: Linda Maccarone
Sacred Heart Major Seminary
Detroit, Michigan

“But how do you DO stewardship?” This presentation will provide a simple way to begin a stewardship effort in a parish. It will include tips for a successful annual commitment including planning, materials, implementation and follow up.

Session 52: Growing as a Stewardship Leader

Tuesday Session 10:00 – 11:00 a.m

Location: Strand 11

Speaker: Leisa Anslinger
Co-Founder Catholic Strengths and Engagement Community
Loveland, Ohio

Moderator: Jennifer Clark
Director, Parish Life and Faith Formation
St. Hedwig Catholic Church
Los Alamitos, California

Living and growing as a good and faithful steward is a life of ongoing conversion. Guiding people and the faith community to accept the call to live and grow as stewards is a process of change as we connect faith with our daily lives. Explore strategies for growing as a leader who calls individuals and the community of faith to embrace stewardship as a way of life.

Session 53: From the Year of Mercy to a More Impassioned Discipleship

Tuesday Session 10:00 – 11:00 a.m

Location: Strand 12

Speaker: The Most Reverend Donald Hanchon
Auxiliary Bishop
Archdiocese of Detroit, Michigan

Moderator: Monsignor Francis W. Beach
St. Jude Parish
Chalfont, Pennsylvania

The Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy proclaimed by Pope Francis will formally conclude Sunday, November 20. What now? This session will explore how the Year of Mercy’s transformative power is not ending, but instead is preparing us for a deeper and more committed response to the call to discipleship. Come and reflect on how the grace of this year makes us better stewards and more enlivened followers of Jesus.

Session 54: Using Parish Data More Effectively in Pastoral Planning

Tuesday Session 10:00 – 11:00 a.m

Location: Celestin E

Speaker: Robin Margraf
Pastoral Associate
Our Lady of Fatima
San Clemente, California

Moderator: Peter Kane
Director of Stewardship and Development
Diocese of Tyler, Texas

Too often we embark on pastoral planning with a wealth of great ideas but without a clear agreement of the current reality. Understanding where we are at the start is the first step for determining our direction. This workshop will look at ways to use readily available parish data to both shape a pastoral plan and measure its impact.

Session 55: The Basics of Planned Giving in Parishes

Tuesday Session 10:00 – 11:00 a.m

Location: Strand 13

Speaker: Diane Duquette
Director of Gift Planning Emeritus
Catholic Foundation of North Georgia
Atlanta, Georgia

Moderator: Christine Heusinger
Associate Director of Stewardship
Archdiocese of Atlanta, Georgia

This session is for anyone working with parishes on their planned giving efforts and will cover simple steps to create an ongoing planned giving program in the parish. Attendees will learn the importance of keeping it simple, the importance of engaging the pastor, staff and parishioners. You will also learn what not to do. Planned gifts are vital to the future support of the church and an important component of stewardship.


Session 56: Utilizando los Medios de Comunicación Social para Evangelizar en la Comunidad Latina / Using Social Media to Evangelize in the Latin-American Community

Tuesday Session 10:00 – 11:00 a.m

Location: Celestin F

Speaker: The Reverend Rafael Capó Sch.P
Director de Ministerios Hispano
USCCB South Region
Miami, Florida

Moderator: Coni Perez
Parish Stewardship Presenter
Houston, Texas

Aunque la popularidad de las redes sociales se extiende a través de todas las etnias, es particularmente importante en la comunidad latina. La interconexión social tiene especial resonancia para los hispanos de todas las edades como una manera de estar en contacto con los miembros de la familia en Estados Unidos y en otras partes del mundo. Las redes sociales tienen también una aplicación distintiva como actividad en línea que los hispanos pueden realizar en cualquier lenguaje (o lenguajes) que deseen. La evangelización en los medios sociales es la nueva frontera de la evangelización. Nos da la oportunidad de expandir el Evangelio haciendo nuevas conexiones en línea, y a través de esta red social de fe, formar nuevos discípulos. Esta sesión le mostrará cómo usar los medios de comunicación social para evangelizar en la comunidad latina.

While social networking’s popularity extends across ethnicities, it is particularly important in the Latin American community. Social networking has special resonance for Hispanics of all ages as a way to keep in touch with family members in the U.S. and elsewhere. Social networking also has distinctive appeal as an online activity Hispanics can pursue in whatever language (or languages) they please. Social media evangelization is the new frontier of evangelization. It gives us the opportunity to spread the Gospel by making new connections online, and through this faith-networking, forming new disciples. This session will show you how to use social media to evangelize in the Latin-American community.

Session 57: Diocesan Stewardship Formation

Tuesday Session 10:00 – 11:00 a.m

Location: Foster 2

Handout: Parish Stewardship Support Efforts

Handout: Focus of Stewardship

Handout: Responsibilities

Handout: Sept-Oct 2016 Bulletin

Handout: Brochure

Handout: Diocesan Stewardship Formation

Handout: Diocese of Orange Stewardship Programming

Speaker: Debra Leaverton
Director, Parish Stewardship Education and Pastoral Services Appeal
Orange Catholic Foundation
Garden Grove, California

Speaker: Kerry Ann Tornesello
Associate Director of Development
Diocese of Charlotte, North Carolina

Speaker: David Baranowski
Director of Stewardship Education
Archdiocese of St. Louis, Missouri

Moderator: Brian Niebrugge
Executive Director Stewardship and the Annual Catholic Appeal
Archdiocese of St. Louis, Missouri

This session will highlight the Christian stewardship formation practices of three different (arch)dioceses, covering diocesan stewardship formation structures and calendars, best practices, outcomes and challenges, materials used and methods of communication.


Session 58: What Every Diocesan and Foundation Board Wants to Know About Invested Funds

Tuesday Session 10:00 – 11:00 a.m

Location: Foster 1

Speaker: Michael J. Schwartz
Senior Vice President
Schwartz Investment Counsel, Inc.
Ave Maria Mutual Funds
Ave Maria, Florida

Moderator: Stephen J. Nicholl
Director of Development
Diocese of Trenton, New Jersey

What is Morally Responsible Investing (MRI)? Does it work? Can you achieve good investment performance without violating your moral beliefs? In this talk, our presenter will delve into the myths surrounding Morally Responsible Investing. He will show how MRI can generate superior investment performance. He will address why it is something every diocesan fund manager should know about. He will also show how MRI can actually lead to an increase in stewardship among your parishioners.

Session 59: Legacy Societies Matter

Tuesday Session 10:00 – 11:00 a.m

Location: Bolden 6

Speaker: Thomas J. Sonni
President and Founder
Greater Mission LLC
Baltimore, Maryland

Speaker: Anthony Gwiazdowski
Executive Vice-President and Partner
Greater Mission
Baltimore, Maryland

Moderator: Terri Gadzinski
Development Director
Diocese of Marquette, Michigan

What if your arch/diocese received a legacy gift from just 5% of your parish families – 500 gifts for every 10,000 households? At an average of $40,000, that would total $20 million dollars in gifts from just those 500 households. We need to find new ways to inspire and invite legacy gifts with great urgency. Encouraging membership in Legacy Societies is one among a series of key strategies to build tremendously successful legacy giving efforts.