Category Archives: ICSC

International Catholic Stewardship Council – Conference

Session 48 | 8:30 am | Conducting Transformational Capital Campaigns in Hispanic Parishes

Location: Hanover D


Conducting Transformational Campaigns

With about thirty five percent of the Catholic population in the United States being Hispanic/ Latino, you’ll want them on board for your next capital campaign. Come learn about this community, its giving culture, and best practices on how to successfully engage our Hispanic/ Latino members. Spanish version is Session 65.

Speaker: Jose Piñones
Major Gift Officer
Archdiocese of Chicago, Illinois

Moderator: Brian Doyle
Director of Development
Diocese of Palm Beach, Florida

Mr. Jose Piñones – Originally from Dallas, Texas, Mr. Pinones graduated with a degree in marketing from Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas. For five years he served as the development director for St. Mary’s and St. John Paul the Great Campus Ministries in the Diocese of Tyler. He moved to Chicago to embark on the historic $415 million To Teach Who Christ Is campaign in 2014. In that time, he has conducted over 950 personal solicitations in English and Spanish. He is a constant advocate for the Hispanic Catholic community in the Archdiocese of Chicago. Mr. Pinones has served on the Nacogdoches Habitat for Humanity board as well as the Nacogdoches Junior Chamber board. In a volunteer capacity, he has raised money for The Big Shoulders Fund and Latinos Progresando. In his personal time he enjoys running and keeping up with current world events. He is an avid Dallas Cowboys fan and bought his first Chicago Cubs t-shirt last year.

Session 41 | 8:30 am | Introducing Stewardship in a Parish

Location: Regency VII


Annual Plan

Focus of Stewardship

Best Practices in Parish Stewardship


Drawing parishioners into a deeper relationship with the Lord and inviting them to make a conscious decision to support the mission of the Church with their time, talent and treasure is at the heart of stewardship. In this session, we discuss practical tools and strategies for promoting stewardship year round. We will focus on initial and subsequent steps of communicating stewardship, increasing parishioner engagement and how to conduct an annual parish stewardship commitment effort.

Speaker: Kerry Ann Tornesello
Associate Director of Development
Diocese of Charlotte, North Carolina

Moderator: Sister Mary Brigid Callan
Director of Stewardship and Development
Diocese of Steubenville, Ohio

Kerry Ann Tornesello has been the associate director of development in the Diocese of Charlotte, North Carolina since 2014. Prior to this position, she was the parish manager of St. Therese parish in Mooresville, North Carolina, a 4,000 family parish in the northern suburbs of Charlotte. Her stewardship journey began 13 years ago when her pastor asked her to “find out more about stewardship and start a stewardship committee here.” Her diocesan responsibilities include traveling the 46 counties of the diocese promoting parish stewardship and meeting parishes where they are on their stewardship journeys; whether beginning the journey, getting back on the path, coasting, or speeding along. Ms. Tornesello also coordinates the $5.7 million Diocesan Support Appeal, three additional annual collections, and she supervises the support staff of the office of development. Ms. Tornesello holds a bachelor’s degree in English and business communications from DeSales University in Center Valley, Pennsylvania, and a master’s degree in education from Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. She, her husband, and son have been active members of St. Therese Parish for 19 years.

Session 52 | 10:00 am | Make Church Matter

Location: International North

Prior to the call of Pope Francis to share the “Joy of the Gospel”, the Church of the Nativity embarked on a process “to grow disciples, develop a healthier parish community, and more intentionally and effectively serve the New Evangelization.” This presentation includes the Church of the Nativity’s story and shares the three key strategies that drove the transformation of the parish. These strategies have more than doubled the weekend attendance while tripling offertory giving.

Speaker: Reverend Michael White
Church of the Nativity
Timonium, Maryland

Speaker: Tom Corcoran
Associate to the Pastor
Church of the Nativity
Timonium, Maryland

Moderator: Reverend Christopher Heath
St. Hedwig Catholic Church
Los Alamitos, California

The Reverend Michael White is an award-winning and best-selling author. He has co-authored the books Rebuilt, Tools for Rebuilding, and Rebuilding Your Message, with combined sales of more than 100,000 copies. Many say Rebuilt has changed the conversation about parish mission and culture in the American Catholic Church. Father White has spoken to diocesan gatherings and conferences nationally and internationally. He has been the keynote speaker at Proclaim Conference in Sydney Australia, Alpha Ireland, and at conferences for the Archdioceses of Boston and Montreal and Krakow. Father White earned his bachelor’s degree from Loyola University Maryland and his graduate degrees in sacred theology and ecclesiology from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. He worked as personal secretary to Cardinal William Keeler, who was then archbishop. During that time, Father White served as the director of the papal visit of Pope John Paul II to Baltimore. During his tenure as pastor of the Church of the Nativity, the church has tripled in weekend attendance to more than 4,000. Commitment to the mission of the Church has grown, evidenced by the significant increase in giving and service in ministry, and genuine spiritual renewal.

Tom Corcoran is an award winning and best-selling author. He has co-authored the books Rebuilt, Tools for Rebuilding, and Rebuilding Your Message, with combined sales of more than 100,000 copies. Many say Rebuilt has changed the conversation about parish mission and culture in the American Catholic Church. Over the last few years, Mr. Corcoran has spoken to diocesan gatherings and conferences nationally and internationally sharing his unique insights about renewing and rebuilding parishes. He has been the keynote speaker at Proclaim Conference in Sydney Australia,Alpha Ireland and at conferences for the Archdioceses of Boston and Montreal. Mr. Corcoran has worked at the Church of the Nativity for 19 years. He currently serves in the position of associate to the pastor and is responsible for weekend message development, strategic planning, fundraising and staff development.When he is not working he enjoys cooking, sports, and taking Tae Kwon Do with his son. Mr. Corcoran has been married 18 years to his wife Mia. They have seven children and live in Parkville, Maryland.


Session 42 | 8:30 am | Refresh, Recharge, Renew: Stewarding the Pastoral Ministers in Your Parish

Location: International North

“It’s time to take time for you.” Those involved in ministry can be described as “givers.” But at a certain point, you cannot give what you do not have. Come and explore the benefits of offering your parish ministers a chance to refresh, recharge and renew their spirit and some ideas on how to do so!

Speaker: Laurie Whitfield
Director of Parish Stewardship
Diocese of Rockville Centre, New York

Moderator: Christine Heusinger
Associate Director of Stewardship
Archdiocese of Atlanta, Georgia

Laurie Whitfield is the director of the office of parish stewardship for the Diocese of Rockville Centre, New York. She has been with the office for more than 19 years and has helped move parish stewardship forward in the diocese by utilizing her gifts of creativity, teaching, humor, and innovation. Prior to this position she was an educator and corporate trainer. Ms. Whitfield has developed many resources, especially for children and parish stewardship leaders, including her published works, Taking Care of God’s Gifts with Our Sunday Visitor. She initiated a computer training series, communications seminars as well as spiritual and gift discovery sessions and more to help create new comfort levels for parish leaders as they foster parish stewardship efforts. She is a frequent presenter at annual ICSC conferences, is the Region II representative on the ICSC board of directors and has offered the keynote address and breakout sessions at regional arch/diocesan stewardship days and various other engagements. Ms. Whitfield holds a bachelor’s degree in music education, a master’s degree in pastoral administration and she is a Dominican Associate.

Session 50 | 8:30 am | Best Practices for E-Giving in Diocesan Campaigns

Location: Hanover FG

How should dioceses integrate an effective eGiving option into your annual appeal or capital campaigns? Two eGiving experts will share practical case studies on how dioceses have integrated online best practices to enhance their appeals and campaigns. From eliminating wasteful paper pledge redemptions, to driving more donors to give electronically, this session will give you useful eGiving information to meet the major decline in check writing. Fee considerations will also be addressed.

Speaker: Bradley Otto
Vice President of Operations
Faith Direct, Inc.
Alexandria, Virginia

Speaker: Mike Walsh
Vice President of Business Development
Faith Direct, Inc.
Alexandria, Virginia

Moderator: Eden d’Souza
Stewardship Coordinator
Diocese of Calgary
Alberta, Canada

Bradley Otto has over ten years of experience in helping companies best utilize their technical resources and fundraising for religious organizations. He spent numerous years providing technical services to companies large and small before joining Faith Direct in 2007. As vice president of operations, Bradley has been able to use his extensive knowledge to help Faith Direct, Inc. streamline their online giving services to better serve church and donor client needs. While serving in his current role Bradley has also been a member of the Branch Banking & Trust’s Payments Advisory Board since 2011 which gives him important insight into payment trends that can impact fundraising capabilities. Bradley attended Miami University in Ohio where he met his wife, Jenny. They and their three children are active members of their church in Annandale, Virginia. He is a Cub Scout leader, helps coach his children’s various sports teams and sits on multiple church and community boards.

Session 53 | 10:00 am | The Role of Stewardship in the Family

Location: Regency VI

“As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world.” – St. John Paul II. Catholic formation begins at home, and Catholics spend most of our time off of Church property. So why does stewardship formation focus on what happens at the parish? Is stewardship formation focused on the needs of parishioners, or the needs of parishes? Come hear more about ordinary stewardship of the home, the family, of everyday life.

Speaker: Mr. Brian Niebrugge
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque Parish
Oakville, Missouri

Moderator: Cynthia Bosh
Stewardship Coordinator
All Hallows Parish
LaJolla, California

Brian and Kathleen Niebrugge have been married for almost 19 years. They and their five children, with one more on the way, belong to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque Parish in St. Louis, Missouri. Ms. Niebrugge is a licensed speech/language pathologist who has given the most recent years of her career to educating the couple’s children at home. She runs a monthly girls club where girls learn various skills and receive formation in human and religious virtues. She holds a master’s degree in speech and language pathology from Fontbonne University. Mr. Niebrugge has worked for the Archdiocese of St. Louis since 2001, serving as executive director of stewardship and the Annual Catholic Appeal since 2010. He is a basketball coach, a baseball coach, and leads a men’s study group. He also speaks to groups on matters of family, fatherhood, and holiness in ordinary life. Mr. Niebrugge is a member of the ICSC board of directors.

Session 51 | 10:00 am | The Importance of Music in Parish Stewardship

Location: Regency VII

This session offers an opportunity to appreciate the relationship between good liturgy and effective stewardship and the important role that a “singing assembly” plays in fostering and nurturing communal prayer. Practical tips on how to accomplish lively liturgy and developing a music program that will send your community out into the world to be about the Gospel!

Speaker: Tom Kendzia
Recording Artist, Composer, Clinician, Director of Music
Christ the King Parish
Kingston, Rhode Island

Moderator: Mark Ayers
Steward for Music and Liturgical Ministries
St. Mary Magdalen
Altamonte Springs, Florida

Tom Kendzia is a liturgical composer who has been a catechetical consultant for over 20 years. He appears regularly at national and international events for catechists, liturgists, and musicians as a speaker and performer. Mr. Kendzia has been active as a parish music director since 1977, and has over 25 recordings of liturgical and instrumental music published by OCP. He holds a bachelor’s degree in music education from Manhattanville College. He is a contributing author, consultant, and recording producer for the new Sadlier Sacrament Program, and recently named their national consultant for liturgy and music. He has been the music director at Christ the King Parish, Providence, Rhode Island, since 1986.

Session 44 | 8:30 am | The Stewardship of Communication

Location: International South


2017 Presentation Slides for The Stewardship of Communication

2016 ICSC Talk: The Language of Stewardship

Making Stewardship a Way of Life: A Complete Guide for Catholic Parishes
Andrew Kemberling  (Author), Mila Glodava (Author)

What does it mean for a parish be a good steward in their communication efforts? Is it possible to tithe a portion of your communications to God? Learn practical ideas that you can immediately use to impact the effectiveness of your messaging.

Speaker: Mike DiCosola
Director of Mobile Services, myParish App
Grand Rapids, Michigan

Moderator: Ann Marie Calka
Member Services
Dearborn Heights, Michigan

Mike DiCosola is the director of mobile services for myParish App at Diocesan. He previously acted as a chief technology officer in print communications for almost 20 years. He has been actively involved in lay ministry for more than 15 years with experience in early childhood, middle school, teen and adult formation. Mr. DiCosola recently completed a term as the communication coordinator at Our Lady of Consolation Parish in Rockford, Michigan, where he resides with his wife Heather and five children. He has been a featured speaker at retreats, conferences and missions across the globe. He can be found on Facebook, Twitter, his iPhone,AppleWatch, iPad, Laptop, Kindle and sometimes juggling – not always at the same time.

Session 43 | 8:30 am | Grateful Disciples: Leading Stewardship Efforts for Lasting Impact

Location: Regency VI 

Calling one another and all in our parish to make a commitment to live and grow as disciples who are good stewards is a dynamic and challenging process. The truth is, we will never be finished with this endeavor. Explore key steps to bring the call to live and grow as stewards to life. Be inspired to lead stewardship for lasting impact on your parish, its people, and the world.

Speaker: Leisa Anslinger
Director Catholic Life and Faith
Loveland, Ohio

Moderator: Reverend Christopher Heath
St. Hedwig Catholic Church
Los Alamitos, California

Leisa Anslinger brings extensive experience in parishes and schools to her ministry as an author, presenter, and consultant. She is the director of Catholic Life and Faith, a center for evangelization, stewardship and servant leadership development. She is a frequent presenter at national and diocesan gatherings on topics ranging from parish leadership, parishioner engagement, evangelization, stewardship, catechesis, and strengths development. Ms. Anslinger is a contributing author for books and resources published by Twenty-Third Publications, Liturgy Training Publications, and Catholic Life and Faith, including the Bridges Leadership Series and Grateful Disciples.

Session 54 |10:00 am | Fundamentals of a Stewardship Parish: Accountability and Transparency

Location: International South 

Accountability” is headline material these days. Accountability is something all of us must face to some degree, and it should not be daunting or intimidating. This session will provide details for how the Church and her leaders can keep themselves accountable before God and one another. Topics covered include conflict resolution, stewardship, finance and parish councils, institutional accountability, and more.

Speaker: Deacon James Brett
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish
Tempe, Arizona

Moderator: Ana Juarez
Business Administrator
St. Alfred Parish
Taylor, Michigan

Deacon James Brett is the director of finance and stewardship for Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in Tempe, Arizona where he has been assigned as a deacon for 17 years. As a deacon for over 20 years, he has been active in many liturgical ministries along with involvement in the RCIA process. He has been active in implementing all phases of stewardship at the parish for 10 years. Deacon Brett has been a presenter of workshops at the regional and diocesan level over the course of the last five years. He holds a bachelor’s degree in accountancy from Arizona State University where he also taught financial and managerial accounting from 2002 to 2010. Prior to working at the parish he worked for a chemical manufacturing company first as a cost accountant before being promoted to controller from 1987 to 2000. Deacon Brett is married, has two children and nine grandchildren.