Category Archives: ICSC

International Catholic Stewardship Council – Conference

Session 54: Using Parish Data More Effectively in Pastoral Planning

Tuesday Session 10:00 – 11:00 a.m

Location: Celestin E

Speaker: Robin Margraf
Pastoral Associate
Our Lady of Fatima
San Clemente, California

Moderator: Peter Kane
Director of Stewardship and Development
Diocese of Tyler, Texas

Too often we embark on pastoral planning with a wealth of great ideas but without a clear agreement of the current reality. Understanding where we are at the start is the first step for determining our direction. This workshop will look at ways to use readily available parish data to both shape a pastoral plan and measure its impact.

Session 31: Characteristics of a Stewardship Parish

Monday Session 3:30 – 4:30 p.m

Location: Celestion GH

Characteristics of a Stewardship Parish

FORM: Measurements and Smart Goals

FORM: Parish Activity Analysis

Speaker: Julie Kenny
Director of Member Services ICSC
Dearborn, Michigan

Moderator: Schuyler Kleinpeter
Stewardship and Advancement Director
St. Pius X Church Lafayette, Louisiana

This workshop will follow the Seven Steps to Stewardship Success as outlined by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) in Appendix IV of the 10th Anniversary Edition of the bishop’s pastoral letter on stewardship, and will include best practices as well as practical and proven ideas from seasoned stewardship parishes.

Session 33: Utilizing Catholic Relief Services Turn Key Programming to Enhance Parish Stewardship

Monday Session 3:30 – 4:30 p.m

Location: Strand 12

Speaker: Deacon Bill Hampton
Spokesman Catholic Relief Services
Tyrone, Georgia

Moderator: Vito Napoletano
President Emeritus, ICSC
Orlando, Florida

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) serves the poor and vulnerable overseas. It is motivated by the Gospel to cherish, preserve and uphold the sacredness and dignity of all human life, foster charity and justice, and embody Catholic social teaching.

Its turn key programs such as Rice Bowl, Fair Trade, Helping Hands and Catholics Confront Global Poverty help parishes to enrich and engage their parishioners by educating and encouraging them to live in solidarity with our brothers and sisters around the world.

Join us to learn about the exciting programming CRS has developed to enhance parish life and deepen our Catholic faith.

Session 34: Human Resource Tools for the Parish Supervisor

Monday Session 3:30 – 4:30 p.m

Location: Celestin E

Speaker: Lois Locey
Pastoral Associate for Administration and Stewardship
St. Mary Magdalen
Altamonte Springs, Florida

Moderator: Patrick Brandel
Coordinator – Stewardship Ministry
St. Francis of Assisi Parish
Manitowoc, Wisconsin

This workshop assists pastors, business managers and administrators wishing to implement effective supervisory practices grounded in a stewardship perspective. Develop an understanding and appreciation of a process where both parties learn and grow in their personal and professional relationships. Practical ideas and information will be presented within the context of the mission and goals of the church and principles of sound human resource management.

Session 35: Promoting Vocations: A Parish Stewardship Priority

Monday Session 3:30 – 4:30 p.m

Location: Strand 13

Speaker: The Very Reverend Andrew Kemberling, V.F.
Chairman, ICSC Board of Directors
St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Parish
Denver, Colorado

Moderator: Mila Glodava
Director of Communications and Stewardship
St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Parish
Denver, Colorado

Jesus said, “The harvest is abundant, but the laborers are few, so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest” (Luke 10:2). Promoting vocations was a priority for Jesus himself. With this in mind, Father Andrew Kemberling will explore that stewardship is about preserving and using our resources with gratitude, and vocations is a human resource issue in the Church. Promoting vocations will restore the image of clergy and religious and will also address the shortage of priests. The presentation will also show effective ways to promote vocations.

Session 36: Corresponsabilidad es Involucrar a la Comunidad Latina en la Localidad / Stewardship is Engaging the Latin-American Community Locally

Monday Session 3:30 – 4:30 p.m

Location: Celestin F

Speaker: The Reverend Sergio Serrano, O.P.
Director de Apostolate Hispano
Arquidiócesis de New Orleans, Louisiana

Moderator: Alma Benitez
Director of Stewardship and Development
Diocese of Yakima, Washington

Los nuevos datos del censo muestran que la población hispana ha crecido más del doble en la última década, superando ampliamente a otras poblaciones. Y esa población es joven, con edad media de los hispanos de casi 25 años. Hay una necesidad inmediata de llegar a los latinos, quienes vienen de diversos antecedentes y están en busca de una experiencia de fe inclusiva. Esta sesión se enfocará en ideas prácticas y maneras significativas con las que sus esfuerzos de corresponsabilidad puedan atraer más efectivamente a la comunidad latina.

New census data shows that the Hispanic population has more than doubled over the last decade, far outpacing other populations. And that population is young, with median age of Hispanics at nearly 25. There is an immediate need to reach out to Latinos who come from diverse backgrounds and are looking for an inclusive faith experience. This session will focus on practical ideas and meaningful ways your stewardship efforts can more effectively engage the Latino community.

Session 77: Partnering for the Mission: Building Positive Relationships Between Pastors and Lay Leadership

Tuesday Session 3:30 – 4:30 p.m

Location: Foster 2

Speaker: Cande de Leon
Executive Director
Office of Mission Advancement
Phoenix, Arizona

Moderator: Tom Hinga
Director of Development and Stewardship
Diocese of Monterey, California

In this workshop, we will discuss the complementary roles of the pastor and the laity and practical ways the two can partner to accomplish the Church’s mission. We will learn how lay leaders can take an active role in using their gifts and talents to serve the pastor as he lives out his vocation as shepherd of Our Lord’s church. In addition, we will discuss how the pastor can maximize the gifts that God has provided to him through his parishioners.

Session 40: Unlocking the Value of Fundraising Leadership

Monday Session 3:30 – 4:30 p.m

Location: Celestin A

Speaker: David J. Kersten
Vice President of Development
The Foundations of Catholic Health
Buffalo, New York

Moderator: Jeremy Becker, CFRE
Director of Stewardship and Development
Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux, Louisiana

Amid the seismic shifts now fully underway in the Church, and against the backdrop of diminishing ranks of the ordained parish leadership and the growing importance of lay leadership and stewardship, success around diocesan and parish fundraising efforts depend more and more around strategies that are responsive to volunteer expectations and ensures that their work and time spent directly supports fundraising needs and objectives. This session will identify best practices in fundraising volunteer leadership management.