Category Archives: Sacramento MD Keynote

Dio Sacramento Ministry Days Conference

Keynote Speakers / Conferencista

Fr. Daniel Williamson, CFR
Friday & Saturday Keynote

Father Daniel Williamson is a priest of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal. He currently lives in Oakland, California and has served the friars in various missions, including in New York, New Mexico, Honduras and Nicaragua, since joining the friars in 2001. Prior to entering the friars, he served in the United States Air force as an F-16 crew chief, drove an 18-wheeler cross country and worked various construction jobs. He attended Seton Hall University and received his Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and Master’s degree in Divinity from Holy Apostles College and Seminary in Cromwell, CT. Fr. Daniel is passionate about the outdoors, music, travelling, and most especially, preaching the good news of Jesus Christ. In the spring of 2022 Fr. Daniel was made a Missionary of Mercy by His Holiness Pope Francis.

Fr. Michael T. Martin, OFM Conv.
Friday Morning Keynote

Cara Morales, M.A., LMFT, LPCC
Friday Afternoon Keynote

Cara Morales is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who divides her career between her private practice and JSerra Catholic High School. A wife and mother of three, she is the founding member of JSerra’s Theology Department and Campus Ministry program. Additionally, she crafted a vision for JSerra to become one of the first high schools in the country to provide full-time, on-campus professional therapy — a practice she sees as increasingly more critical given the ongoing breakdown of the family. She spearheads JSerra’s original seminar series for students called Identity Formation, which creates co-institutional small groups that carry out conversations with teens about the cultural toxins that challenge their faith and values. Recently she launched a Facebook page for parent support called Cultivating Character through Parental Connection.

Sesión A & C Presentador

Yolanda Barajas es misionera Consagrada de la Fraternidad Verbum Dei desde hace 42 años. Ha trabajado como misionera en distintas partes del mundo. Así mismo realizo sus estudios académicos de Teología Dogmática, Misiononologia, Espiritualidad, Medios de Comunicación en distintas Universidades Pontificias del mundo. Actualmente trabaja en el Movimiento de Evangelización misionera de la Familia Verbum Dei en distintas Parroquias; Dando formación, retiros, Ejercicios Espirituales, cursos de biblia y espiritualidad. Colabora en la programación de la Radio Santísimo Sacramento y en la Universidad de Notre Dame.

Herman Barahona es el fundador y principal organizador comunitario de la Coalición de Justicia Ambiental de Sacramento. Un esfuerzo dedicado a crear conciencia sobre el impacto de la degradación ambiental en las comunidades de bajos ingresos. Se inspira en la encíclica papal Laudato Si y su llamado a la acción para que el mundo se comprometa y busque soluciones para proteger nuestra casa común.

Karla Felix-Rivera, JCL, es canonista y Juez en el Tribunal Eclesiástico de la Diócesis de Sacramento. Ha sido profesora en el Programa del Diaconado Permanente Diócesis de Sacramento y la Universidad de Santa Clara (GPPM).  Frecuentemente, ofrece talleres y retiros espirituales en diversas parroquias y diócesis.

Rev. Francisco Hernandez soy el párroco de St. John the Baptist desde julio pasado. He sido ordenado sacerdote por casi 21 años y trabajé en esta Diócesis todo ese tiempo.

Dr. Jose Antonio Medina obtuvo sus grados académicos en la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca en España. Ha sido profesor de México, España y en la mayor parte de los institutos de formación en las diócesis de California y Nevada.Ha enseñado en Mount St. Mary´s College, en Loyola Marymount University. St. Thomas University Houston, Ha escrito libros de formación teológica y de educación en la fe.

Ed Hopfner es el director para la oficina de Matrimonio y Vida Familiar, para la arquidiócesis de San Francisco.  Un conferencista muy popular, ha ofrecido presentaciones en todo Norte América, particularmente sobre la tópica de la Teología del Cuerpo.  Ed ha sacado una maestría de teología de la Escuela Posgrado de los Dominicanos de Filosofía y Teología, y vive acerca de Berkeley.

Diacono Gilberto Coss ordenado Junio 30 2012,
en la dioceses de Sacramento CA, la parroquia de Saint Christerpher Galt CA, Asignado a la parroquia de Saint Rose Sacramento CA, el 2017, ministerios clase de padres de familia, platicas prebuatismales, catequesis, proceso del RICA adultos y jovenes,

Mi nombre es Yolanda Toulet, He sido catequista por 35 años y desde hace 20 años me desempeño como Directora de Formación de Fe en la Iglesia de Santa Julia en Diócesis de San José Ca. Toda mi educación escolar fue en un colegio católico, fue ahí que durante mi adolescencia me nació la inquietud y el deseo de compartir el amor de Dios y transmitir mi fe con los demás.

Ana Barraza is an international Catholic bilingual speaker, certified Special Education teacher, and digital evangelizer and entrepreneur. She chairs the diocesan committee for Catholics with disAbilities and is part of the Loyola Press Speaker Corps. Ana presents workshops on how to catechize and evangelize persons with disAbilities. is her contribution to Adaptive Catechesis.

Fr. Bong Rojas is the pastor of Holy Spirit in Sacramento. Before this current assignment, he taught at St. Patrick’s seminary for a total of 14 years. Fr. Bong had been a pastor to several parishes in the Diocese of Sacramento. He finished philosophy at the University of Santo Tomas, Manila; theology from St. Patrick’s, Menlo Park and theological graduate studies at the Gregorian University, Rome​

Rey & Ana Gonzalez

Hector Quiroz, Formador de Catequistas, en el Ministerio Hispano por 25 anos, impartiendo clases Pre matrimoniales, Pre bautismales Quinceaneras, Liturgia y Biblia. Maestro y Director EMPL en San Fernando, CA. Maestro y Coordinador del IMPL en la Diocesis de Monterey, CA. Maestro del IPE, Arquidiocesis de L.A.

Rafael Avalos, I’m the Pastor at St Anthony Parish in Oakley, CA at the Diocese of Oakland, I have been ordained for thirteen years and have been working with families and marriages with more than ten years, as well as teacher in various subjects at the Institute of Pastoral ministries in the Okland Diocese. Couples and families are at the heart of my ministry.

María Jiménez es la secretaria de verificación de antecedentes de la diócesis de

Rev. Humberto Gomez Es Capellan de la Prision Estatal de Folsom con experiencia pastoral en ministerio de prisiones por quince anos. Ordenado para la Diocesis de Sacramento en 1988 con experiencia pastoral parroquial y otros ministerios diocesanos.

Rosie Hernandez Tengo más de treinta años de experiencia en el ministerio parroquial: ministerio juvenil, catequesis, Maestra de Escuela Católica, Asociada Pastoral. Tengo una Maestría en Estudios Pastorales de LMU y ahora sirvo como Directora de Formación y Evangelización en la Diócesis de Fresno.

Graciela Garza-Ayala Director de la Oficina de Evangelización y Formación en la Fe durante 6 años; Director parroquial y Coordinador de Formación en la Fe durante 10 años. Catequista durante 5 años. Preparación matrimonial durante 4 años. Actualmente lector de mi parroquia.

Pedro y Lucy Ramirez Coordinadores del Ministerio de Música Kerigma en Turlock
Tiempo: 17 Años (Pedro y Lucy)
– Integrante del Ministerio de las Vocaciones en Turlock
Tiempo: 2 Años (Pedro y Lucy)
– Coordinadora parroquial de Ministerios de Música.
– Tiempo: 2 Años (Lucy)
– Integrantes del Grupo de Oración Jesús Vive de la Renovación Católica Carismática.
– Tiempo: 17 Años (Lucy y Pedro)

Maricruz Flores Soy el director de la Oficina para el Ministerio de Jóvenes y Adultos Jóvenes en la Diócesis de San Diego, he estado en este puesto durante 3 años. Antes fui director de jóvenes y adultos jóvenes en una parroquia en Barrio Logan, aquí en San Diego por 4 años.

Padre Bong Rojas es el pastor de Holy Spirit en Sacramento. Antes de esta asignación actual, enseñó en el seminario de St. Patrick durante un total de 14 años. Padre Bong había sido pastor de varias parroquias en la Diócesis de Sacramento. Terminó filosofía en la Universidad de Santo Tomas, Manila; teología de St. Patrick’s, Menlo Park y estudios de posgrado en teología en la Universidad Gregoriana de Roma.

Dr. Jose Antonio Medina obtuvo sus grados académicos en la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca en España. Ha sido profesor de México, España y en la mayor parte de los institutos de formación en las diócesis de California y Nevada.Ha enseñado en Mount St. Mary´s College, en Loyola Marymount University. St. Thomas University Houston, Ha escrito libros de formación teológica y de educación en la fe.

Manuel Moreira Nacido en El Salvador, viviendo en el área de Sacramento desde el año 2008. Casado 34 años con Ana Moreira y padre de 3 jóvenes adultos.

Greg Walgenbach ha servido 10 años como Director de la Oficina de Vida, Justicia y Paz (y más recientemente también de la Oficina de Misión) de la Diócesis de Orange. Greg obtuvo un MDiv y un doctorado en Teología en el Seminario Teológico Fuller. Le apasiona encontrar y ayudar a otros a encontrar a Jesús y formarse en el Evangelio, organizarse para la acción y enraizarse en la oración.

Carmen Chávez López, oriunda de Perú, casada por más de 25 años, está dedicada con su esposo a formar familias y matrimonios centrados en Cristo a través de los ministerios de Agapè Catholic Ministries. Carmen, educadora de profesión y graduada como “Agente de la Nueva Evangelización” del Instituto Guadalupano de la Diócesis de Colorado Springs ha dado diversas presentaciones y talleres de formación en preparación matrimonial junto con su esposo. Además, es coautora del Programa de Preparación para Quinceañeras,, facilitadora en línea de jóvenes que se preparan espiritualmente para recibir una bendición al cumplir sus 15 años y de agentes ministeriales parroquiales y diocesanos, que desean formarse en este ministerio. Ha escrito diversos artículos y sido entrevistada por CatholicTV y Radio Sacramento sobre el verdadero significado de esta celebración y su importancia como oportunidad de evangelización para las Quinceañeras y sus familias, así como en temas para parejas. Carmen, junto con su esposo, participó activamente en el V Encuentro representando a su diócesis, es muy activa en su comunidad parroquial y coordinadora voluntaria de la Planificación Familiar Natural de las parejas hispanas en la Diócesis de Colorado Springs.

Carmen María Cervantes, EdD He dedicado mi vida a la formación en la fe, la capacitación de líderes, la pastoral juvenil y la publicación de recursos bíblicos y formativos para la comunidad hispana. Junto con un miembro del equipo del Instituto Fe y Vida, escribí los libros que pueden servirles de apoyo para educar sobre la sexualidad. El Obispo Jaime Soto ha sido un gran promotor de este esfuerzo y revisó el Manual que les presentaré. ¡Me dará mucho gusto estar con ustedes!

Session B & C Presenters

Herman Barahona is the founder and lead community organizer of the Sacramento Environmental Justice Coalition. An effort dedicated to raising awareness about environmental degradation’s impact on low-income communities. He is inspired by the Papal Encyclical Laudato Si and its call to action to the world to get engaged and seek solutions to protect our common home.

Klarissa Chichioco worked in parish youth and young adult ministry for 11 years at Queen of Apostles Catholic Church in San Jose. She is currently in the certification program for the Theology of the Body Institute and co-authored and voices the “TOB Minutes” on various Catholic radio stations in the US.​

Cara Morales has worked with teens and their parents for 20 years: in youth ministry, campus ministry, and teaching theology at the high school level. For the last decade, she worked as a Marriage and Family Therapist, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor, and Parenting Coach, helping young people and their families navigate the many storms of life that come their way.

Cheryl Tholcke and Fr. Mark Richards, JCL
Cheryl Tholcke
has served as the Moderator of the Tribunal Chancery since 2014. Prior to this, she spent 34 years in youth ministry at the parish, diocesan, and national levels. She holds a Master of Pastoral Studies degree from Loyola University, New Orleans.
Father Mark Richards, JCL has served as Judicial Vicar since 2006. In addition to his role as Judicial Vicar, he is currently pastor of St. Elizabeth of Portugal Parish in Sacramento. He holds a licentiate in Canon Law from the Catholic University of America, Washington DC.

Deacon Ken Crawford grew up as an atheist and converted to the Catholic faith in his 20s. Between his conversion experience, his engineering background, and his diaconal formation, Deacon Ken has a unique perspective that he enjoys sharing with others.  His monthly Faithful Questions talks are posted on YouTube and cover a wide range of topics, from war to prayer life to vaccines.

Rosie Hernandez has over thirty years of experience in parish ministry: youth ministry, catechesis, Catholic School Teacher, and Pastoral Associate. She serves as Director of Formation and Evangelization in the Diocese of Fresno and has a Masters’ Degree in Pastoral Studies from LMU.

Molly C. Sheahan is Associate Director for Life & Family Advocacy for the California Catholic Conference. A Sacramento native, Molly is a passionate advocate for the dignity of the human person. She once ran OneLife LA, the walk for life in Los Angeles, worked on Capitol Hill and has a Master of Theological Studies in Marriage and Family from the Pontifical John Paul II Institute.

Fr. Tim Donovan was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Orange in the summer of 2017. Before entering the seminary he was a youth minister and continues to have a heart for young people and their families. He loves the Church, spending time with his family, cooking, playing music, and his two French bulldogs. He is the Founder and President of Faith and Family Life Catholic Ministries.

Dr. Bill Keimig is the Assistant Director of the Catechetical Institute at Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio.  For 15 years, he served as the Director of Religious Education at St. Mary’s of Piscataway Catholic Church in Clinton, MD. Along with this work, Dr. Keimig has served as a speaker in many other settings in over 70 dioceses.  He and his wife, Heather, have six children.

Joe Perdreauville has been serving the people of the Diocese of Tucson professionally for 24 years, in parish ministry for 12 years, and in various diocesan offices and roles.  He has served the Church for 18 years in national organizations as a board member, workshop presenter, and consultant.  He and his wife are Sponsor Couples in their parish.  Their children attend the University of Arizona.

Graciela Garza serves as the Director of the Office of Evangelization & Faith Formation for the Diocese of Stockton. And previously served as a Parish director, Coordinator of Faith Formation, and Catechist in a parish. She serves in the Marriage Preparation ministry and is currently a lector at her parish. ​

​Rabbi Seth Castleman is the Director of Exodus Project, a reentry program serving women and men returning from incarceration. Exodus Projects special works of St. Vincent de Paul Sacramento and supported by the Diocese. Prior to starting Exodus Project 3.5 years ago, he consulted for the Diocese to develop this program and has run numerous programs in juvenile halls and adult prisons.

Deacon Rommel Declines & Gonzalo Duran
Deacon Rommel was ordained to the diaconate in 2018. He is involved in parish ministry supporting leaders at his home parish, Good Shepherd. He also serves on various diocesan committees including Liturgical Committee – Chair, Eucharistic Revival, Intercultural Committee for Access Integration and Mission, Public Policy committee for Deacons, and Religious Freedom Group for EGUSD service area.

Rob Robinson serves as director of the Sacred Heart Gospel Choir at St. Boniface parish in San Francisco. He previously worked as a composer, musical director, actor and teacher. Rob is passionate about exploring ways to incorporate a variety of traditions in parish music in California today.

Jon Kantola has been involved with the diocese’s Catholic Committee on Scouting since 2013, as a retreat volunteer and Committee Chair. He enjoys blending together my 10+ years of experience as a Confirmation Catechist and 25+ years of Boy Scouting!

Ana Barraza is an international Catholic bilingual speaker, certified Special Education teacher, and digital evangelizer and entrepreneur. She chairs the diocesan committee for Catholics with disAbilities and is part of the Loyola Press Speaker Corps. Ana presents workshops on how to catechize and evangelize persons with disAbilities. is her contribution to Adaptive Catechesis.

Greg Walgenbach has served 10 years as Director of the Office of Life, Justice, and Peace (and more recently also the Mission Office) for the Diocese of Orange. Greg earned an MDiv and PhD in Theology at Fuller Theological Seminary. He is passionate about encountering and helping others encounter Jesus and become formed in the Gospel, organized for action, and rooted in prayer.

Lori Smith is the Formation chair of the Diocesan RCIA Committee and serves as the Christian Initiation for Families Director at St. John the Baptist parish in Chico. Former RCIA Director at SJB Chico (for 11 years). She is also a mentor and task writer for the Catechetical Institute as well as a member of the RCIA Track Faculty for the St. John Bosco Conference at Franciscan University where she presents workshops.

Andreya Arevalo & Fr. Blaise Berg
Andreya has been the Marriage Prep Classes and Wedding Coordinator at St. Mary Parish in Vacaville since June 2016.  She is also a Certified Fertility Care Practitioner since Feb 2019. 
Fr. Blaise is a priest with the Diocese of Sacramento (former pastor at St. Mary Parish in Vacaville) and a professor at St. Patrick’s Seminary in Menlo Park

Katita Schloeman is the Safe Environment Coordinator with the Diocese of Sacramento

Mike Aliscad For over 25 years Mike Aliscad has been involved in the catechism of youth.  Starting with his first class of 5th graders to the high school teens he ministers to today he’s sought ways to make learning about the faith exciting and fun.    This has led him to his latest endeavor as founder of Messenger Bag ministries, working to develop a 1-year activity-based Confirmation preparation program based on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and the charisms of the fist Apostles.  He concurrently serves the mission of Christ as the Youth Ministry and Confirmation Coordinator at Christ the King in Pleasant Hill.