Category Archives: Uncategorized

S – Z | Group Leader

Raul Santiago
All Saints/Todos Los Santos

row C9-AA seats 1–15
row C9-BB seats 1–15
row C9-CC seats 1–15
row C9-DD seats 1–15

Sat AM
row F3-E seats 1–16
row F3-F seats 1–16
row F3-G seats 1–16
row F3-H seats 1–12

row F3-E seats 1–16
row F3-F seats 1–16
row F3-G seats 1–16
row F3-H seats 1–12

Sat PM
row  A8-G seats 1–21
row A8-H seats 1–21
row A8-J seats 4–21

row C9-BB seats 1–15
row C9-CC seats 1–15
row C9-DD seats 1–15
row C9-EE seats 1–15

Martha Santos
Our Lady of Good Counsel

row F5-B seats 1–8

Sat AM
row A10-J seats 14–21

row A10-J seats 14–21

Sat PM
row C10-KK seats 1–8

row F1-K seats 1–8

William Scherer
St. Joseph the Worker

row A9-K seats 1–21

Sat AM
row F5-D seats 10–15
row F5-E seats 1–15

row F5-D seats 10–15
row F5-E seats 1–15

Sat PM
row F4-E seats 12–16
row F4-F seats 1–16

row A9-K seats 1–21

Steven Serafin
St. Mary

row A8-K seats 1–21
row A8-L seats 1–13

Sat AM
row C9-HH seats 1–15
row C9-JJ seats 1–15
row C9-KK seats 1–4

row C9-HH seats 1–15
row C9-JJ seats 1–15
row C9-KK seats 1–4

Sat PM
row F2-E seats 15 & 16
row F2-F seats 1–16
row F2-G seats 1–16

row A8-K seats 1–21
row A8-L seats 1–13

Sr. Isabel Soto
St. Peter

row F1-G seats 1–14

Sat AM
row A10-F seats 1–14

row A10-F seats 1–14

Sat PM
row C7-KK seats 1–14

row F1-G seats 1–14

Christopher Spilka
Holy Family

row F4-A seats 1–16
row F4-B seats 1–16
row F4-C seats 1–16
row F4-D seats 1–16
row F4-E seats 1–16
row F4-F seats 1–3

Sat AM
row A9-A seats 1–21
row A9-B seats 1–21
row A9-C seats 1–21
row A9-D seats 1–21

row A9-A seats 1–21
row A9-B seats 1–21
row A9-C seats 1–21
row A9-D seats 1–21

Sat PM
row C10-AA seats 1–13
row C10-BB seats 1–13
row C10-CC seats 1–13
row C10-DD seats 1–13
row C10-EE seats 1–13
row C10-FF seats 1–13
row C10-GG seats 1–5

row F4-A seats 1–16
row F4-B seats 1–16
row F4-C seats 1–16
row F4-D seats 1–16
row F4-E seats 1–16
row F4-F seats 1–3

Ashley Svoboda
Divine Mercy

row C10-AA seats 1–13
row C10-BB seats 1–13
row C10-CC seats 1–13
row C10-DD seats 1–13

Sat AM
row F4-A seats 1–16
row F4-B seats 1–16
row F4-C seats 1–16
row F4-D seats 1 & 2

row F4-A seats 1–16
row F4-B seats 1–16
row F4-C seats 1–16
row F4-D seats 1 & 2

Sat PM
row A8-J seats 1, 2, 3
row A8-K seats 1–21
row A8-L seats 1–21
row A9-L seats 17–21

row C9-FF seats 1–15
row C9-GG seats 1–15
row C9-HH seats 1–15
row C9-JJ seats 1–5

Karen Tanner
St. Rose of Lima

row C8-AA seats 1–13

Sat AM
row F3-I seats 1–13

row F3-I seats 1–13

Sat PM
row A8-B seats 1–13

row C8-BB seats 1–13

Judy Thompson
Church of St. John the Apostle

row C10-KK seats 7–12

Sat AM
row F3-I seats 14, 15, 16
row F3-J seats 14, 15, 16

row F3-I seats 14, 15, 16
row F3-J seats 14, 15, 16

Sat PM
row A10-K seats 16–21

row C9-KK seats 1–6

Shannon Turlik
Resurrection/St. Paul

row A10-L seats 1–11

Sat AM
row C7-HH seats 1–11

row C7-HH seats 1–11

Sat PM
row F1-F seats 1–11

row A10-L seats 1–11

Stephanie Twohig
St. Katharine of Siena

row F2-J seats 1–10

Sat AM
row A9-F seats 12–21

row A9-F seats 12–21

Sat PM
row C8-HH seats 6–13
row C8-JJ seats 12 & 13

row F2-J seats 1–10

Ivette Valori
Notre Dame of Mt. Carmel

row A9-F seats 18, 19, 20, 21

Sat AM
row C11-KK seats 11, 12, 13, 14

row C11-KK seats 11, 12, 13, 14

Sat PM
row F3-G seats 13 ,14, 15, 16

row A9-F seats 18, 19, 20, 21

Laura Vicente
St. Michael

row A10-H seats 20 & 21
row A10-J seats 12–21

Sat AM
row C7-KK seats 3–14

row C7-KK seats 3–14

Sat PM
row F4-J seats 1–12

row A10-H seats 20 & 21
row A10-J seats 12–21

Theresa Whiteman
St. Teresa of Avila

row A9-J seats 1–11

Sat AM
row C9-KK seats 5–15

row C9-KK seats 5–15

Sat PM
row F5-B seats 9–15
row F5-C seats 12, 13, 14, 15

row A9-J seats 1–11

Alex Yates
Holy Angels

row F2-C seats 7–16
row F2-D seats 12–15

Sat AM
row A8-A seats 1–15

row A8-A seats 1–15

Sat PM
row C11-HH seats 2–11
row C11-JJ seats 9–13

row F2-C seats 7–16
row F2-D seats 12–15

Kurt Zampier
St. Helena

row C8-HH seats 1–13
row C8-JJ seats 1–13
row C8-KK seats 1 & 2

Sat AM
row F4-G seats 2–16
row F4-H seats 4–16

row F4-G seats 2–16
row F4-H seats 4–16

Sat PM
row A9-C seats 14–21
row A9-D seats 1-21

row F5-J seats 1–15
row F5-K seats 3–15






A – J | Group Name

ACTS Youth Ministry

Eloy Contreras

section 100 row E-I seats 10-13

Sat AM & Afternoon
section 209 row G-J seats 20-24

Sat PM
section 200 row G-H Seats 51-55

Section 200, Row I-J, Seats 52-56

section 208 row B-E Seats 32-36

Arise Milwaukee

Sarah Daszczuk

section 202 row J seats 12-15
section 202 row K-M seats 1-10

Sat AM & Afternoon
section 206 row B-H seats All
section 207 row H seats 48-50

Sat PM
section 100 row G seats 6-13
section 100 row H-I seats All

section 200 row B-C seats All
section 200 row D seats 39-42

Come & See

Annie Colling

section 210 row D seats All

Sat AM & Afternoon
section 210 row D seats All

Sat PM
section 210 row D seats All

section 210 row D seats  All


CWCC – Central Wisconsin Catholic Crusaders

Julie Studinski

section 202 row B-F seats All

Sat AM & Afternoon 
section 205 row D seats 3-17
section 205  row E-F  seats 4-18
section 205 row G seats 5-19
section 205 row H seats 6-20

Sat PM
section 208 row B-F seats All
section 208 row G seats 41-45

section 200 row  I-M seats All


Eau Claire Deanery / Regis

Kristin Betlej

section 202 row I-J seats 16-20
section 202 row K-M seats 11-15

Sat AM & Afternoon
section 101 row C-E seats 1-8

Sat PM
section 210 row I-J seats All

section 205 row D seats 3-12
section 205 row E seats 4-13
section 205 row F seats 4-7

FOLLOW Youth Ministry

Jeremy Hylka

section 205 row E seats 4-13
section 205 row F seats 4-9

Sat AM & Afternoon
section 202 row B seats All

Sat PM
section 209 row E-G seats 15-19

section 103 row H-I seats 1-6

God Squad

Nancy Hackel

section 201 row F seats 19-22
section 201 row G-H seats 20-23
section 201 row  I seats 21-24

Sat AM & Afternoon
section 209 row B-C seats 15-24

Sat PM
section 200 row F seats 46-49
section 200 row G-H seats 47-50
section 200 row  I seats 48-51

section 101 row A seats 7-8
section 101  row B-C seats 7-13

Holy Cross Youth Ministry

Gloria Schuh

section 202 row G-H seats 5-8

Sat AM & Afternoon
section 101 row B seats 1-5

Sat PM
section 201 row I-J seats 26-29

section 210 row E-F seats 8-10

Holy Rosary Medford

Mike Bub

section 200 row I seats 46-56
section 200 row J-M seats All

Sat AM & Afternoon
section 208 row B-F seats All

Sat PM
section 201 row B-D seats All
section 201 row E seats 19-26

section 205 row C seats 11-20
section 205 row D seats 13-22
section 205 row E-F seats 14-23
section 205 row G seats 15-24
section 205 row  H-I seats 16-25


Brenda Bertram


Section 205, Row H, Seats 21-25

Section 205, Row I, Seats 20-25

Sat AM & Afternoon
section 210 row J seats 5-14

Sat PM
section 202 row G seats 5-15

Section 103, Row F, Seats 1-6

Section 103, Row G, Seats 1-5

John 23 Pburg

Paul Devine

section 201 row F seats 23-27
section 201 row G-H seats 24-28

Sat AM & Afternoon
section 101 row D-F seats 9-13

Sat PM
section 201 row K-M seats 40-44

section 209  row I seats All

First Aid

For all medical needs, please go to the First-Aid Station, located in Men’s Varsity Locker Room 1260 1st floor of Tarble (near Lobby). House are 7a.m. to 10:30p.m. Youth requiring first aid must be accompanied by an adult. Medication requiring refrigeration should be checked in with the nursing staff.

(OT) How to NOT be BORING: Getting Children’s Attention and Keeping It

(OT) Open Track (non-certification)
10:15 am – 11:30 am

JCWC: Gentile Gallery

Dr. Joseph White is a child and family psychologist and national catechetical consultant for Our Sunday Visitor Publishing and Curriculum. He has worked as a parish catechetical leader and spent seven years as director of Family Counseling and Family Life in the Diocese of Austin. A frequent guest on Catholic television and radio, Dr. White is the author of 10 books and numerous articles on catechesis and ministry, and he co-authored the Allelu and Alive in Christ catechetical series.

(RT) The Power of the Holy Spirit in My Life

(RT) Retreat Track
10:15 am – 11:30 am


Sr. Mary Michael Fox, OP, has been a member of the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia (Nashville) for 30 years. During that time she has been blessed to teach all ages from 5 to 85. Sister is an adjunct professor of catechetics at Aquinas College, Nashville and serves as a speaker and catechist formator in the college’s Center for Evangelization and Catechesis. She received a master of arts degree in theology with a specialization in catechetics from Franciscan University and a PhD through the Maryvale Institute of Birmingham, England, examining the unique pedagogy of The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd.

(RT) Humility: The Grace to Live Differently

(RT) Retreat Track
8:30 am – 9:45 am


Bill Keimig is the assistant director of the Catechetical Institute at Franciscan University. For 15 years, he served as DRE at St. Mary’s of Piscataway in Clinton, Maryland, and served for nine years as director of the Association for Catechumenal Ministry (ACM). He has served as a speaker in many settings in over 30 dioceses. Bill holds master’s degrees in public management from the University of Maryland and in theology from Franciscan University and is completing a doctorate at The Catholic University of America. He and his wife, Heather, have six children, Rose, William, Julianna, Theodore, Elizabeth, and Gregory.

(RCIA2) Revelation, Grace, and the Response of Faith: God’s Methodology

(RCIA) Rite of Christian Initiation (Yr. 1 or Yr. 2)
8:30 am – 9:45 am

Fieldhouse: Side of Main Stage

Dcn. Drake McCalister is the coordinator of the catechetical practicum for the Office of Catechetics at Franciscan University. In addition to his work at Franciscan, Dcn. Drake McCalister is the director of RCIA for Franciscan and oversees the EDGE youth group, along with writing and speaking. Previously, Dcn. Drake McCalister was a Pentecostal pastor in the Foursquare Church for 13 years (1991-2004), but after five years of study, prayer, and reluctance, he resigned his pastorate and brought his wife and three daughters home to the Catholic Church on December 12, 2004 (Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe). Dcn. Drake McCalister and his wife, Crystal, now have five daughters.

(RCIA1) Pastoral Components of the Christian Initiation Process

(RCIA) Rite of Christian Initiation (Yr. 1 or Yr. 2)
8:30 am – 9:45 am

Fieldhouse: Baron Room

Patty Norris is the director of Religious Education at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in Milford, Ohio. Involved in adult formation for many years, she specializes in the RCIA process as a speaker and seminar director for the Association for Catechumenal Ministries (ACM). As a speaker, consultant, and writer for ACM, she has served many dioceses in the United States and abroad. As a director of Religious Education, she is responsible for all adult formation. With her husband, Gary, she coordinates the RCIA track at the St. John Bosco Conference. They have 6 children and 11 grandchildren.