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Mark Hart

Mark Hart serves full time as executive vice president of Life Teen, a Catholic youth ministry movement currently being implemented in 1,800​ parishes in thirty countries worldwide. A graduate of the University of Notre Dame, Mark is a best-selling author of over a dozen books, popular speaker and SiriusXM radio host. His wildly popular DVD study series, Altaration, Encounter, and T3 are currently utilized in homes, youth groups, and classrooms across the globe. Mark and his wife, Melanie, have three daughters, Hope, Trinity, and Faith, and one son, Josiah. They live in Phoenix, Arizona.

O – St. C | Parish Name

Our Lady of Grace Aurora – Aurora

Brenda Chang

row Z seats 33-39
row AA seats 31-39

Sat AM
row O seats 1-7
row P seats 1-8

Sat PM
row A seats 41-44
row B seats 41-44
row C seats 41-44
row D seats 41-44

row A, B, C seats 18-22

Our Lady of Guadalupe – Toronto

Carlos Acosta

row V seats 1-13
row W seats 1-13

Sat AM
row U seats 1-5
row V seats 1-6
row W seats 1-6
row X seats 1-6

Sat PM
row G seats 1-4
row H seats 1-4
row I seats 1-4
row J seats 1-4
row K seats 1-4
row L seats 1-4

row B seats 40-44
row C seats 40-44
row D seats 40-44
row E seats 40-44
row F seats 42-44

Our Lady Queen of the World – Richmond Hill

Dorothy Whelan

row Y seats 15-21
row Z seats 17-21

Sat AM
row O seats 33-39
row P seats 33-36

Sat PM
row I seats 16-22
row J seats 18-22

row B, C seats 36-39
row D seats 36-38

Precious Blood – Scarborough

Chico Nuguid

row O seats 40-46
row P seats 40-44

Sat AM
row Y seats 29-30
row Z seats 26-30
row AA seats 26-30

Sat PM
row K seats 17-20
row L seats 17-20
row M seats 17-20

row E seats 36-39
row F seats 36-39
row G seats 36-38

SATCC – Markham

Felix Pang

row G seats 1-5
row H seats 1-6

Sat AM
row N seats 25-34

Sat PM
row R seats 35-39
row S seats 34-39

row S seats 1-0

St. Alphonsus Liguori – Peterborough

Nicolas DuBonnet

row Z seats 47-50
row AA, BB seats 40-50

Sat AM
row V seats 13-17
row W seats 12-21
row X seats 12-21

Sat PM
row H seats 23-29
row I seats 23-29
row J seats 23-29
row K seats 25-29

row H, I seats 36-39
row J, K seats 36-41
row L seats 36-40

St. Ann Parish – Ancaster

Hayden Starczala

row I seats 1-4

Sat AM
row H seats 32-35

Sat PM
row O seats 40-44

row U seats 21-25

St. Anne’s – Brampton

Arlene Morgan

row G, H, I seats 36-38
row J seats 36-41
row K, L seats 36-40

Sat AM
row G seats 36-40
row H seats 36-40
row I seats 36-40
row J seats 36-40
row K seats 36-39

Sat PM
row Z seats 51-55
row AA seats 51-60
row BB seats 51-60

row T seats 13-21
row U, V seats 14-21

St. Anthony of Padua – Brampton

Yolanda Hermack

row B seats 10-17
row C seats 10-18
row D seats 10-18

Sat AM
row R seats 40-48
row S seats 40-49
row T seats 40-45

Sat PM
row U seats 55-60
row V seats 55-60
row W seats 54-60
row X seats 54-60

row A, B, C, D, E seats 23-27

St. Barnabas Parish Youth Ministry – Scarborough

Pierre Dorval

row R seats 18-21
row S seats 11-21
row T seats 11-21

Sat AM
row Z seats 31-37
row AA seats 31-39
row BB seats 31-39

Sat PM
row A seats 10-22
row B seats 10-22

row O, P, Q seats 33-39
row R seats 36-39

St. Christopher – Mississauga

Levy Anne Ramos

row O seats 16-21
row P seats 16-21
row Q seats 17-21

Sat AM
row V seats 7-12
row W seats 7-11
row X seats 7-11

Sat PM
row C seats 18-22
row D seats 19-22
row E seats 19-22
row F seats 19-22

row AA seats 31-38
row BB seats 31-38

St. Clare Woodbridge – Woodbridge

Andrew Spencer

row C seats 19-22
row D seats 19-22
row E seats 20-22

Sat AM
row U seats 31-35
row V seats 31-35

Sat PM
row S seats 11-21

row J seats 42-44
row K seats 42-44
row L seats 41-44

Wi-Fi Access/Smoking & Alcohol

All guests will have access to the University’s Guest Wi-Fi System, UMassLowell. This is a complimentary service and users will be prompted to log into the system each day.

Conference wristbands identify you as a participant of the Steubenville East Conference. Wristbands must be worn at all times.  Without them you will not have access to meals, the dormitories, or assigned seating. Broken/defective wristbands MUST be exchanged at the Information Desk in the Tsongas Center in order to receive a new one.

Prayer Ministry

First Line of Defense

Thank you for your yes to care for and minister to the youth at the Steubenville Youth Conference!

The group leader and adult chaperones are the primary ministers to the youth on the weekend. Please be sure to share all of this information with all adult chaperones and religious in your group.

The Team of Prayer Ministers

Prayer ministers will be wearing orange shirts and will be available on throughout the weekend.  They may approach you to ask if you need assistance. Feel free to approach a prayer minister for help.

Role of Prayer Ministry

The role of prayer ministry is to serve and support you and your chaperones by offering spiritual assistance to the youth in your group. Prayer ministry is an extension of the ministry done by the ministry team from the stage and by you as the group leader and chaperones. They can assist you if there are several youth who need attention or if there is a particular situation that you and your chaperones are unsure how to handle.

Remaining Present

If a prayer minister does assist your youth, it is ideal to have an adult chaperone from your group present to watch over and pray with them as well, as it is good for the youth to have a familiar person present. In addition, it is the adult chaperone who will be going home with the youth. Therefore, he or she can continue to pray for and with the youth at home if needed. If this is not possible, know that the prayer minister will encourage the youth and let them know that group leaders and chaperones are there for them if need be.


Bus Drivers

Please arrive at the Tsongas Center on the campus of UMASS Lowell to check in. Following check in you will drive to your assigned residence area for unloading of buses. UMASS/LOWELL staff will be available in the residence area to answer questions regarding parking. Free parking will be available throughout the weekend. Group leaders should have driver contact information and place a sign in the front window identifying the group leader’s name and parish.  Ex. Mary Smith, St. Joseph, New London, CT

Arrival and Check In

Please arrive at the Tsongas Center on the campus of UMASS Lowell to check in regardless if you arrive in a bus or personal vehicle.  Following check in you will drive to your assigned residence area for unloading of buses and personal vehicles. UMASS/LOWELL staff will be available in the residence area to answer questions regarding parking and dorms. Free parking will be available throughout the weekend.