Friday Evening Small Group Discussion Questions

Friday Night Keynote Scripture: Luke 15: 11-32

  1. How do you view God? How do you think God views you?
  2. What two words would you use to describe your relationship with God the Father right now?
  3. What makes it difficult to believe that God is your Father?
  4. What attribute of the Father’s love is most difficult for you to believe or grasp? Why?
  5. Can you describe a time when you felt God’s love?
  6. What does it mean to you that you are loved by God?
  7. Compare your journey with the Prodigal Son’s journey in the Gospel story. What point in his story most closely relates to where you are now? What stuck out to you most in the Gospel?
  8. In what way has God revealed His Fatherhood to you?
  9. What was your experience of worship and Adoration?
  10. What did you reflect on during the meditation? What stuck out to you most during the meditation?
  11. What is one thing you would like God to do in your life this weekend?