3:15 pm | Parish/School Communicators Roundtable


Session-Parish School

Parish/School Communicators Roundtable

This participant-driven session is a valuable opportunity to share ideas and best practices, discuss the joys and challenges of your day-to-day ministry, and network with fellow parish communicators from around the U.S. and Canada.

Joe Towalski is the director of communications for the Diocese of St. Cloud, Minn., and editor of its biweekly newspaper, The Visitor. Joe has won individual Catholic press awards for editorial, news and feature writing. He began working in his current position in St. Cloud in 2014 and is focused on strategic projects to bolster the diocese’s communications outreach via its print, web and social media resources. The newspaper garnered a second place CPA award for general excellence in 2015.

Joe has served on the Catholic Press Association board of directors as the Midwest regional representative since 2012 and is currently serving a two-year term as the association’s president.