Campus Rules
General Campus Rules
- Chaperones must know where their teens are at all times.
- No drugs or alcohol. If any are found, the participant/group can be subject to immediate expulsion.
- No smoking. Ohio Law requires smokers to be at least 18 years old and 30 feet from any buildings. All smokers must be of age and the appropriate distance from all buildings.
- Property Damage. Responsible party will pay for full repair/replacement costs.
- Infants and Children are not permitted as the youth in attendance must be the first priority of Group Leaders and adult chaperones.
- For security reasons, Franciscan University of Steubenville reserves the right to check all bags/luggage/containers.
For security reasons, Franciscan University of Steubenville reserves the right to check all bags/luggage/containers and confiscate any of the above mentioned items that are brought to our High School Youth Conferences.
The Christian Outreach Office of Franciscan University reserves the right to deny entrance to, or request the ejection of, any group or individual who does not comply with the regulations and policies of Franciscan University of Steubenville’s High School Youth Conferences.
- Should any individual/group be denied entrance or be ejected for violating any rule or policy, no refunds will be issued.
Dress Code
All participants, including adults, are expected to dress appropriately in modest attire.
Appropriate Dress and Speech
- Clothing must cover all undergarments and midriffs.
- Bikini tops, low cut tops, mini skirts, yoga pants and short shorts are unacceptable.
- Inappropriate or profane attire are not to be worn at any time during the conference.
- Shirts and shoes are to be worn at all times.
- Foul and abusive language will not be permitted.
Group leaders and adult chaperones are expected to communicate these expectations to their youth beforehand and to enforce the dress code at the conference.
Housing Expectations
Any violation of these expectations will result in a Strike. See “Strike Policy” for more details.
- Members of the opposite sex are not permitted in each other’s sleeping facilities.
- Food in the dorms: allowed, BUT any sign of trash or leftovers will result in an infraction.
- Do not move the furniture.
- Leave a clear aisle from your door to your window. If we cannot reach the window, an infraction will occur.
- Dorms are to be vacated by 8:30 a.m., when they will be locked until after the evening session.
- We do not make wake-up calls.
- Everyone is to be in the dorms by midnight; Do not leave the dorm after this time.
- Lights out is at 12:30 a.m.; housing hosts will announce this.
- Please keep quiet after lights out; noise complaints will be grounds for infraction.
- No yelling out of or climbing through dorm windows.
- No horseplay or excessive noise in dormitory restrooms.
- No removing, damaging, or vandalizing signs or dorm property.
- Admittance to dorms during lockdown is not permitted.
- Only main doors are to be used for entrance/exit throughout the weekend.
- Close the curtains when changing.
- Smoking and the use of candles are prohibited in all facilities.
- Leave no trash behind; trash cans are available for your use during check out.
Note: In order to abide more effectively by the Diocese of Steubenville’s Child Protection policies, all occupied rooms will be labeled with the group leader’s last name and the respective occupants, i.e. adult chaperone or youth. This will help us keep all participants safe and also help us find the respective Group Leaders and chaperones more quickly in case of emergency
All conference participants are expected to follow the direction of the conference staff and security, in addition to posted signage. Any instances of insubordination will be subject to appropriate discipline.
Franciscan University of Steubenville and the Christian Outreach Office reserve the right to handle disciplinary situations in a way that best serves the overall conference, including removal of a participant from the conference without warning.
The following are misconduct issues that will not be tolerated at High School Youth Conferences as quoted from the Franciscan University of Steubenville Student Handbook, Article III: Proscribed Conduct:
- “3:10 Use, possession, or distribution of narcotic or other controlled substances or drug paraphernalia except as expressly permitted by law.
- 3:11 Use, possession, sale, consumption, or distribution of alcoholic beverages except as expressly permitted by the law and by University regulations, or public intoxication.
- 3:12 Possession or use of firearms, explosives, other weapons, incendiary devices, firecrackers or dangerous chemicals on University premises.”
Reporting an Incident
If you witness a youth or adult chaperone violating any policy in regard to Child Protection or Franciscan University of Steubenville’s guidelines, you are required to report it immediately to a member of the Security or Conference Staff.
Campus Security: 740-283-6333.
Safe Environment
In order to ensure the safety of all our youth and remain in compliance with the policies established by the Diocese of Steubenville and Franciscan University of Steubenville, all adult chaperones are required to provide proof of their Safe Environment Training.
Every adult chaperone must also be background checked to the specifications of his/her home diocese. Proof of these specifications must be presented to the Christian Outreach Office via the Adult Chaperone Verification Form at the time of check-in for the conference.
Priests must submit a “Letter of Good Standing.”
Session Expectations
Before, during, and after sessions and workshops:
- Refrain from running
- Do not enter the stage unless invited by the host or a speaker.
- Flash photography is not permitted during the liturgy per the Diocese of Steubenville.
- Videotaping is not permitted during any sessions.
- Refrain from standing on, folding, or moving chairs.
- Once the sessions begin, keep the aisles clear.
All conference venues are strictly smoke free.
Anyone who smokes must be at least 30 feet from any building. During the sessions, we ask all participants, including chaperones, to refrain from smoking and participate in the session.
Thank you.